
Amongst all these serious questions, I am compelled to find more play in my life. Compelled but not necessarily driven in that mid-winter kind of way. But if I could get myself through the snows and into the gym, it would be a good dodgeball league more than anything that might get me there.

The Los Angeles Dodgeball Society is a weird mix of kids play and ’70s and ’80s style. Here are the rules which are a little more involved than the good old murderball that I recall. Murderball was basically you get hit and you are our with only one ball in play. These guys appear to play with about ten balls at once. Post-first person shooter murderball. Post- pre- and perhaps mid-game beverages appear to be a key factor as well.

I am glad I got back into soccer on the grass, pool swimming and even the exercise room but I wonder what game I would really like to play again in a gym if I had a chance amd twenty or so other nimrods? Floor hockey would be up there. Maybe basketball. Definitely dodgeball. Bloggers ought to adopt dodgeball as the official sport of cyberia. It is after all the ultimate nerd game.

Lessig on The Connection

I just listened to Lawrence Lessig on NPR’s show The Connection discussing the Creative Commons license and somewhat in support of “Free Culture” his book on how corporations control creativity. Here are my immediate lunch-hour thoughts which may be either quite pithy and brilliant or junk I will fully disavow by supper:

  • I was happy to hear that generally he considered the control of collaboration to be an artists option which should be supported and that access and use without the permission of authors is extreme and unbalanced. He discussed, by comparison, how the flourishing of art through audience participation is encouraged by the Creative Commons license. Without such a generic license, he says, lawyers inhibit creative collaboration through insisting that someone own the specific work prior to it being created. However, this is only another agreement – a better license – rather than no license. Without a generic license, specific licenses caused an obstacle. What the Creative Commons provides is better law rather than lawlessness. This, I think, is very good and may distinguishes Lessig from Doctorow.
  • He indicated that under copyright the rules for content in text differed from that in film and music and image. The “next generation of blogs,” however, will mix to create more powerful social commentary. Why? The power to “review” already exists. Is it the right to reference or to illustrate that is being demanded? The first, referencing, is likely available – I have never really worried out citing an expression as a fact – but the second is very problematic. Should I have the right to illustrate my creativity with yours without your agreement? Sadly, Lessing stated, incorrectly, that he thinks right to put music in NPR show as an illustrative background is a right. It is not unless there is payment. It is merely a license that it bought by NPR and paid for with the proceeds go back to the authors and other interest owners. He also said bloggers now cannot do what NPR can. That is true but merely because the copyright organizations like Canada’s SOCAN does not have a rate for internet use of music. Is that an illegality? It is neither prohibited or permitted, just as whistling another’s tune is not. Silence in law is not prohibition. Through various court rulings in Canada, we have something of a gap for now that is recognized in law, at least in Canada, which may make us something of a sanctuary at the present time. We may presently be the lucky nation for those purposes. But should the rights of bloggers and their desire to illustrate their creativity with the creativity of others come before the rights of those others to their creativity?
  • He came out with the knee-jerk useless statement “The future is illegal.” Apart from the inability to know what that could mean even in the context of a downloading teen with a computer, I just do not think that this is true. The future is merely not defined.
  • He suggests freedom is prevented when the control of culture is restricted to a few but why should the goal of unfettered progress take precedence over the interests of owners of each step in the inventive, progressive process? The digital medium of information really adds nothing to the consideration of that core question any more than previous electronic media or mass media have in the past. Are we not simply being intoxicated by the demands of speed – which demand is merely a product of the possibility of speed? Should the capacities of technology govern our human relations?
  • One caller spoke of the need to be specifically paid – she has worked for 20 years to create and audience she needs to sell her CDs. “So we all have our frustrations,” Lessing responds, less than effectively, but a wider range of choices to be made available to artists. The license is merely a technique to make money. Don’t use it if you do not want to. He reiterated he does not support piracy. He cites, however, a recent restrictive sampling case from a US court and its result that entirely barred unpermitted use of another’s work was left as an unargued point – an implicit wrong. He followed by an implicit good, Mixter, a wep space that allowed consensual collaboration. But this is a false dichotomy, an unpermitted unlicensed taking compared to a permitted licensed use and necessarily contrary to what he indicated to the musician of 20 year’s effort. If her work can be sampled without consent, then there is piracy. Plain and simple. He also made what appeared to be an error in analogy, comparing sharing his ideas when speaking with sharing an artists expression – this is a strict division in copyright law. You have no right to the idea just the particular expression of the idea. Software programming interestingly fuses the two as their are both the idea and the expression (due to, in a way, being both the instruction and the execution). Perhaps this is the problem. The analogy from software and cretivity to other media and creativity may simply not hold – yet it pervades this discussion.
  • For Lessig, the de-commoditization of software outside of proprietary interest as an extraordinary collaboration is a “dramatic model” which one presumes intelf makes it compellingly applicable elsewhere. He speaks too much of the need for generic “experimentation”. But can it really be transferred to creative activity in which the artist must have their specific work recognized as a unique commodity to be paid over a lifetime? Are we perhaps enamoured by the new technology to the point we are forgetting that the proposed general progress will create unacceptable consequences. How different is this really from earlier industrial revolution stages which sees the craftsman and artist crushed by the new, in this case, freeing them from the burden of stable income? In cooking they say do not pick up a hot pot without some idea of where you are going to put it down. There is as yet none of that good sense in this question.

Please comment, question and kick at will.

PS – not only did I originally spell it Lessing, I do have this desire to call him Doris.

Cory Doctorow Goes On Again

He does go on and, like creationist theory spouted to pentecostals, Cory Doctorow’s anti-digital rights management posts like the latest at Boing do quite well with the right audience – but he really does not get the reality of the law of copyright that he lives within. Science fiction is much more compelling than legal fiction when you get right down to it.

Earlier versions have wallowed in illustrastion without clear definition of the point being illustrated and, as a result, verges on Winerian anti-thought. Like most writers of fiction and software, he seems to like a world of absolutes and result, finding the practical, actual and traditional uncomfortable or, with today’s introduction of the “straw-man” retort, hypocritical. Unfortunately, all he is doing is slagging the way the world really works and saying how bad that it. That is not the deepest of analysis and really gets us nowhere. Consider this:

The final straw-man here is about whether DRM is “too restrictive” — whether it impinges on “reasonable expectations.” But that’s not what anyone in this fight actually is arguing about. It’s about the ability of the studios to change the rules of the game: whether the factors that influence your purchase today are subject to change later. Not whether the device is too restrictive today, but how restrictive it might someday become. What are the anti-features of the device, the technologies that can be used to remove features you enjoy today? That is the question, not “how restrictive is the DRM today?” If you believe in markets, in making money, in providing shareholder value, in all the cant of capitalism, then this is the question you should want to see uppermost in the minds of “consumers” when they make a purchase decision, because that is the only way that the market can “correct” DRM that overreaches.

People simply do not monitor the effectiveness of their purchases in this way. Think about it. The greatest success in terms of a digital device recently is the iPod which provides the user with a quality of sound greatly below that which was avalaible from the 80s Walkman and the 90s Diskman. But no one cares. The consumer buys because iPods are new and because everyone else is buying them. This is the sort of thing he does not think about – the disposability of most things, especially quality and performance in the mind of the western consumer. Yet it is a cornerstone of the market. And the wise vendor will use that to control and protect content will also maximizing sales. There is nothing new about this.

His ideal of consumer freedom to the point that owners of things should not be able to control their assets has gone mad with Doctorow, all in the name of doing whatever can be done with content regardless of whose content it is. This removes him from a realistic analysis which is compounded by his somewhat sweetly naive view of how people make decisions and how much they care about their digital assets. New economy thinking…and that is a slur.


The office is quiet as I am it for staff at the start of today and today only lasts until noon. New Year’s Eve is best like this. Never been a greatest night ever even with the firmest of plans. My favorite bad New Year’s party was around 1986 when friends of friends of friends stiffed me for a bunch of tickets for something, hollaring ensured, mascara ran and I stayed in only to have Howie Chen show up and talk me into going out to the Flamingo after all to see I can’t recall who but maybe the Hopping Penguins. We leave the house around 11:50 and a cab is driving by. Cab stops. Drivers says “who the hell thinks they are going to flag a cab at ten minutes to miidnight on New Year’s Eve?” We say “who the hell is looking for fares?” Laughs and tips. After that, I remember Kenny who used to tend at the old Gingers was behind the bar and all was well.

When I was a kid, the folks had a party at the manse for the no-alcohol set but, being Scots, sherry is not no-alcohol and, when a large component of a trifle – actually called “sherry trifle” in our cookery – it is more of a food group. The aim New Year’s morning was to be the first kid up to gorge on homemade sausage rolls and sherry trifle at eleven years old and then lay around snoozing with the first inklings of buzzery. Speaking of buzzery, I read that Ian is getting drunk tonight and Rob spliffed up last night. Both have their reasons. Ian will be a Dad in 2005 and Rob learned that his daughter Hope had moved on to Laos after all, leaving the Thai beaches a day or two before the tragedy. Being a Dad involves a few stiff drinks on occassion it appears.

It has been a good year with us. The immigrations – ours in 2003 and my parents in 2004 – to the start of the big river from its mouth has paid off in many ways which I won’t bother listing except to say that being five minutes drive from a cardiac surgery unit was an extremely good call for my Dad. It is odd seeing the soles of his feet pink. It was a good year for family reunions and 2005 bodes well for that again. Getting back into soccer was one of the best things I have done for myself in years and many short trips with the kids the best we have done ourselves.

Being well, watered and together is good. There are few goods gooder.

Vermont: Ravell Porter, Magic Hat, South Burlington

I had such high hopes for this post, comparing four of the brews in the South Burlington Vermont’s Magic Hat Winter mixed 12 pack. Then the holidays hit, then the guests arrived, then the defence of the bottles began. Right now I have maybe 30 singles of beer stuck away for later comment at a measured pace. Enough to get me into February easy – as long as I can keep the hands of others off of them. Eleven of the Magic Hats were sacrificed to that cause. All except one of their porters named Ravell.

Porter has become one of my favorite styles, if only due to the uncertainly brewers have facing the problem of what it is supposed to taste like. Porter was one of the earliest industrial products and led to a capacity war from say 1790s to 1820s London which had a great effect on mass production of other goods as well as the local production of beer. By the mid-1800s, it had been replaced by other beers due to two discoveries – lagering and true pale malting. As always, when technologies change, tastes shift and the demand for this dark and sharp style faded to be replaced for a while by mild in England, followed by pale ales and then by the ubiquitous industrial lager-pop most drink today.

Due to the trade secrecy surrounding brewing, there is not a great deal of information about what porter actually tasted like in its heyday. Was the yeast sour or mellow? Were the hops or roast malt more pronounced? Approaching opening a porter like Magic Hat’s Ravell, then, is all about paying attention to what the particular brewer considered the answer to those questions were. The beer pours brown rather than black like an oatmeal stout or deep garnet like Guinness. Its head resolves to a thinish beige foam. The taste is definitely built around a soft water profile. One of the things that makes a local beer local is the expression of the water table’s mineral count. Dublin is chalky soft, Plzen is neutral and Burton-on-Trent is incredibly hard.

From my recollection of the others in the 12 pack, Magic Hat is a largely soft brewing firm. [Sleeman, by comparison, is a fairly hard brewing firm.] The yeast of the Ravell, sour and fruity, is in the front of the palate, framed by chocolate malt and then some hop bitterness. I would not call this a balanced or rich example of a porter but originally porters from what we know were not round and balanced. They should not be confused with nut brown ales anymore than with oatmeal stouts. They were from an era that saw brewing and storage occur in wood and that would impart sourness like we see today in many Belgian brews. Here are the stats on the brew from Magic Hat:

Our Odd Porter. A porter brewed with whole vanilla beans. Available whenever young William and father John deem it so.
Yeast: English Ale.
Malts: Pale, Crystal & Chocolate.
Hops: Warrior & Fuggles
Alcohol by Volume: 5.60%
Original Gravity: 1.056
Bitterness Units: 22
SRM: 63.6

The vanilla bean note is evident once noted but really creates as many issues as it resolves. It lies under the chocolate and hops bitterness and may feed the impression that the yeast is fruity. It is not, however, an overwhelmingly vanilla-esque ale. The effect is somewhat like the use of licorice in other dark ales, as in the Sinebrychoff Porter from Finland reviewed a few weeks ago. One beer advocatonian says it is too thin, which is fair comment.
Not the first porter I would grab but certainly worth discussing.

Tiger Balm and Ice Cream Sandwiches

I was so sensible. Even boring. Watched a bad bowl game. Sipped a teaspoon or two of sherry. Drifted to sleep listening to the KMOX in St. Louis countdown from the next time zone west. That is it! I under-did it.

Yet, getting up too early to catch the Liverpool v. Chelsea game it is still time for a milky tea. And rubbing the head with tiger balm. I’d put it on toast. For a time, when I were a lad, my cure was club soda washing down vanilla ice cream sandwiches. Then it was sardines and hot sauce after sticking to brews I made myself. Now it is under-doing it. And napping.