…radiation of pure thought…
It is the last day of the NCPR funding drive and I have been strangely attracted by the whole event. I gave my $75 bucks early on – and I hope you did, too. You didn’t? What is up with that?
You pretend that you can live in a virtual community, you look out your window and wonder why you live where you are and then you pass up joining a group that gives you the illusion of community better than few others. Think about it. If the web promises anything it is that you can rearrange the elements but what you still want after that rearrangement is a sense of place. And this place looks like this – pass Humblebub a hankie, would you?
And keep in mind I am not talking utopia. New York state politics is one of the most entertaining forms of screwy corruption meeting massively complex interests that you will ever come across. Ask NYCO. Plus it is that woodsy edgy bit of the state, way more Northern Exposure than Twin Peaks…mostly. And if you are in Kingston – did you know that you get 2-for-1 pizza from Tatas with an NCPR member rewards card? That alone may pay for my contribution. This is a great virtual space and one which is largely paid for by the people who listen to it. I think it could be the mega-station of NPR stations, one global smalltown.
So why not pick NCPR as the backdrop of your internet experience, like one of those screens with a picture of a forest scene used behind in photo studio portraits of children. Where else would be better?
Let us meet there all together one fine day.