Odd numbers so far. The Grits are leading in the popular early vote and did well in Atlantic Canada. NDP vote solid.
Update: Who thought the Liberals would get over 100 seat and over 30% of the vote?
Further Thoughts: What will it be?
Tories + NDP + a slightly wacko shock radio host… or
Liberals + Bloc + NDP anyone but Harper coalition
That second scenerio has about as much mileage as the Bloc’s future vision. What a weird result. It is truly the time for the Beacon of the Flea to guide us.
CPC is doing remarkably well in Quebec, not so well as I had hoped in the Maritimes.
Ralph Goodale is back in!
And it is nice to see so many website seizing all evening. This internet things is quite a something.
mutter mutter mutter mumble sob
I disagree. I think this is going to be a House of Commons that will not operate without compromise. It is what Canada really wanted and if that Quebec shock radio guy gets in, it will be pretty interesting.
Numbers… need numbers… no TV coverage…. in America… *gasp*
C121 L100 B50 N29 Ind1
Ben, the CBC website is pretty slow but the Glib and Stale has a nice live-updatey graph thingee.
Where is the 1 Independent that CBC is reporting?
121 CPC
103 Lib
50 BQ
32 NDP
A 12 seat jump is nice for the NDP, that’s my take.
Everyone wins! And everyone loses! Fuck, who needs this? I’m off to bed…
I just reported on my blog, it’s Quebec: Portneuf-Jacques-Cartier
The NDP and Libs totally need to form a european-style coalition government. Boy would that piss the hell out of Harper. Hahaha.
One further note. This Internet thing really doesn’t work that well, does it?
David, it is only eleven or fifteen or thirty years old now. You have to let these new technologies work out the bugs.
11:18 pm
N32 and one Independent.
Heady Fry and Sven’s seat is up in the air still.
Total turnout is up a bit.
I told Al when he invented the Internets that there would be problems when it left the hands of the military. Privatization has reduced the “net” part to parallel lines, and slowed it considerably.
Also, why are there zero returns in Vancouver Central?
I thin the CBC announced that Sven is leading in that riding but the count was very late.
when it left the hands of the military
I agree. Canada needs a stronger military!
Wait… Did I just say that…
There is no way to keep the CPC back-bench quiet now they have their “mandate”. So that would be a Liberal majority in about two years depending on how long the Bloc can be bought off.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper!
Are you quoting the word “mandate”, or are you just making that up Flea?
The CPC should get the gay marriage thing out of the way in the next 6 months; then Harper can claim its settled. As long as he keeps the crazies off the front benches, he should be OK.
CBC totals:
Next election: 29 months.