
Graceless politicization appears to be the flavour of the day in the new PMO:

“The Prime Minister is loath to co-operate with an individual whose decision-making ability has been questioned and who has been found in contempt of the House,” said Sandra Buckler, a spokeswoman for Mr. Harper. “All this really is, is a partisan complaint and a political dispute.”

Get ready for it. Any bureaucrat now may be a “liberal” therefore a lesser species in the eyes of the rural overlords. Morality over process. Despite the question of the propriety of offering benefits and plums – plums– like cabinet posts to party defectors undermining the House of Commons, unlike the similar review during the Gruwal matter when the Liberals were the potential bad guys. Sure the new PM intents to line in a different world one day but in the meantime you shouldn’t get to pick your rules. The most charming bit of hair splittery was mentioned on the CBC last night when apparently the PMO suggested that there is no Parliament at the moment so there was not jurisdiction for an ethical inquiry…therefore no ethical standards at all. Sweet.