Group Project: Use It Or Lose It

I wonder what the real risk is? If I was in Afghanistan, would I be pleased with the huge outlay for military stuff that will never be used?

“Canada has a choice when it comes to defending our sovereignty in the Arctic; either we use it or we lose it,” Harper said. “And make no mistake this government intends to use it. Because Canada’s Arctic is central to our identity as a northern nation. It is part of our history and it represents the tremendous potential of our future.”

Sadly, we are investing 7 billion plus on 4 month a year presence which will add about a -25 factor to the argument. Where is the promised Arctic paratrooper base? Where are the frigid concrete mining towns that worked out so well in Siberia? What about mandatory northern service as an alternative to conscription?

What would you do to the North to keep it safe from, what, Peru?