The goofy New Year’s Eve eyewear industry is doomed in just two years. How will people deal with the loss of those middle two zeros after 2009?
Second Gen (2003-2016, 2016- )
The goofy New Year’s Eve eyewear industry is doomed in just two years. How will people deal with the loss of those middle two zeros after 2009?
Stuff becomes me: I like it and I assimilate it. Every year I think that the stuff I was introduced to was the best stuff and then more stuff comes along and I realize that that is pretty damn good, too. Here is the best stuff of 2007:
Not the fanciest stuff nor the most rare to be sure but, really, doesn’t stuff need to be available, reasonable and useful?
You realize, don’t you, that the decade that was brought in with Y2K and all the other millennial whoo-haa is now 80% gone. It doesn’t even have a name and it’s already a senior citizen. Time is flying. Heck, my holiday week off is almost gone. So we better do some prognostications for 2008 before another moment slips away. These are mine:
Sports: Morton will stay up despite being the most points by ties leaders again. Santanawill pitch in the AL East. I may watch an NHL playoff game. I will attend a Watertown Wizards game on a sunny afternoon in late June and consider it a very fine thing.
Canadian politics: There will be an election in 2008 and it won’t be pretty. By any measurement the Harper government has been a dud filed with blamery. What other PM at war could say he is uncertain whether Canadians at large understand the importance of remaining involved in the fight and not realize it is an indictment of his own leadership. The program to bring in accountability has been abandoned, the plan for Bali was to sit at the wet bar while others made a deal and the revival of and reliance on the team from Mulroney era as elder statesmen has been a botch. The opposition may have a GER plan (giving enough rope) but it is unclear if they know how to tie the basic knot required to do the job. In the end, we will have a less stable minority and it won’t matter who wins as the Tories have proven they will implement anyone else’s policies in order to avoid conflict or at least making a decision…and everyone else believes in the same thing anyway.
The World: this could be a nasty one. A year of American election during wartime as well as a Russian one and, perhaps, a Pakistani one. I am going to go out on a limb (ie be wrong) and say that Hillary will not be US president but she may be Vice-President. I will also say that the Republican candidate will be a man and, dare I suggest, a man who has been filmed with a shotgun and wearing hunter’s orange. In the end, it will not matter who wins as the US economy will be weakened further by the botch of a deregulated mortgage system and a consumer credit bubble economy. This will mean there is little or know choice to change course dramatically. China and Russia’s power will increase. A really bad thing will happen and a country somewhere may even be invaded. Magnetic pole reversal will or will not occur but movies (including TV movies of the week) about it happening will be made and we will all be left thinking fondly of the days of movies about meteors and killer waves that wipe out the east coast of the USA. People will reread and adopt both the Flushing Remonstrance and the Declaration of Arbroath to the current situation.
Society, Style and Art: I will continue to have none of the above. The recession will devolve much of the lifestyle columns into discussions about how to cocoon and make jam. Wine will be replaced by beer; tea will take the place of coffee; steak will become sausage; Lego over logo. Privacy will continue to be abandoned in favour of the will of the widget. The internet will become less important than it is even now though someone will make another killer app with mass adoption that will do absolutely nothing for anyone.
Me: through more foster parenting, we will have at least more extra kids in the house than I have fingers on one hand, just like we did in 2007. I will hit 20,000 sit-ups sometime in the summer as I have already hit 8,000 since September. I will have a book deal but it may be for a very short book and the deal may not be that attractive. The garden will expand with ornamental bushes being hacked down and forgotten forever in favour of another herb or one more radish. I will hit my 4,000th post and my fifth year here but attention will more and more be paid to the beer blog, given that it gives. I will finally acquire that trombone mouthpiece. Payments will continue to be made.
Is that all I can expect for 2008, uncertainty or more of the same? I have to be careful, you know. Maybe we can go with something or things unexpected will occur that will have the effect of improving or reducing the quality of our lives to one degree or another. I may go see a band play that I haven’t seem before. I definitely will BBQ a new and unexpectedly tasty mammal. Yes, that I can promise you will happen. There you go. El Predicto speaks.
This is a great new stout from the Scotch Irish Brewing branch of Heritage, the eastern Ontario makers of a very good IPA and a solid, if only seasonal, porter. There is much talk about this one over at the Bar Towel, the province’s beer fan forum, with a little discussion of whether a 6.7% beer can be called an Imperial stout.
Does it matter? Not really. The labels and gradations of beer are as fluid as what is in the glass and what is in this glass is a full bore stout with plenty of the hallmarks of the style. The brew is deep and dark with a narrow brown edge showing when held up against the light. The tan head fades to a thin rim. In the mouth there is a mass of Dutch salty licorice over dark chocolate with some toast and prune treacle, if such a thing exists, underneath. It is all infused with the minty hop that opens up in the finish.
I think this is an excellent example how big need not mean skull-splittingly strong and that Imperial stout can mean grand and not just alcohol ridden. Seven BAers give firm support.
While not just for Bavaria, the vision of lederhosen, hand-held mortars as well as reasonable access to cask dunkel weisse is too rich a reward to deny myself – for, you know, the year to come that will no doubt be well spent.
We’ve had a look at a few beers from Brasserie de Blaugies: Darbyste , a fresh figgy saison (that I was calling a lambic for some reason); Saison d’Epeautre spelt saison; and La Moneuse, their rustic straight up saison. This is the final of the brewer’s four brews to try. It’s an upgrade of La Moneause, their 8% special winter ale or SWA from the 2004 bottling that I have held in the now very attractive stash from last winter to this one.
After the cage was removed, the cork barely needed a touch to pop out of the mouth. The beer pours a slightly clouded amber butterscotch with a fine thick rich off-white head. Fabulous in the mouth, a great pale ale starting out with a light pear-lemon sour tang followed by honey apple juiciness morphing into pale malt bread crust grain subsiding into a hint of white pepper and pear at the end of the end. There is a hint of nutmeg in the yeast but the whole thing is pretty restrained and keep in balance.
Plenty of BAer love. A really wonderful saison that you should hoard and keep to yourself.
Here we are. Another Christmas is upon us and the worst Friday for the idle clock watcher. What to not do when there may not be much to actually do? Eat candy canes in the morning, feel ill and ridden with guilt in the afternoon.
As much as to make sure I comment here as anything, Catholic rights seems a very odd concept to me but, as you will say, it is there plain as plain can be and most likely it is the lack of relation to me that makes me scratch my head. These rights are like PEI being a province, a fact of positive law making it so regardless of the need. But unlike PEI, Catholic rights now seem unbalanced as they are not balancing against their former nemisis – Victorian era Protestant power. Left to its devices, PEI would become Anticosti – but would Rome in Canada fall so easily? In the secularized Canada, is it not the faithful against the materialist shallow Hitchenites as much as the violent puritanical terrorist hijackers whether of Oklahoma City or 9/11? But could there be general Christian rights to state funding, to acceptance as a minority? If not, can Catholic rights (surely now a sub-set homogenous within the whole of the shrinking Canadian patch of Christendom) be anything other than a historic quirk locked into our Constitution? This is not to be anti-Catholic so much as contemporaneously contextual, something admittedly the constitution and perhaps the Church cares little for.
That’s it for now. Someone has to get to work to wait for the Yule buffet to begin.
Update of Hilarious Consequence: haha-ahahaha-haha-(cough)-hahah-(cough, gasp, cough)-haha-(falls on floor, cough, wheeze)-haha-ha-ha…ha…
This is getting weirder. Apparently the loyal Harper-appointee who was not so well experienced quit so was used by other loyal-Harperites when the failings of Liberal-appointees were not, you know, sufficiently fail-y. And how do the Harper-ites use their own? Blame him!
Michael Burns told The Globe and Mail he submitted his resignation as chair of the Crown corporation on Nov. 29, before the medical isotope crisis stemming from the Chalk River shutdown became public. His departure was announced last Friday with no explanation, but was soon linked by a key cabinet minister to the Chalk River situation. “I was quite taken aback two weeks later when I heard my resignation had been accepted by the Prime Minister in the midst of the crisis,” Mr. Burns said.
Health Minister Tony Clement has since connected leadership changes at AECL, including the replacement of Mr. Burns, a Vancouver energy executive and onetime Tory fundraiser, as well as the appointment of a new CEO, with the need to give the organization better management. “Well, maybe they do [need better management],” Mr. Burns shot back. “But this is a clumsy piece of political opportunism. If they’re going to do it, they could do it with a little more skill.”
I am sure our rural overlords understand why this is someone else’s fault. That’s what makes having overlords so great.
Interesting to note that the Liberal-appointee, as our rural overlord (singular) describes her, at the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission had to deal with a Harper-appointee not obeying nuclear power regulations and that it is the Harper-appointee who has quit over the matter.
All things have to come to an end and the season of porter is no different. The deep freeze has come here at the east end of Lake Ontario and autumns turning leave and harvest are long gone. Tripels, Christmas ales, imperial stouts and barley wine will be everything until the snow banks begin to recede under the stronger sun ten weeks or so from now.
Southern Tier’s raspberry porter is one of the best fruited beers I’ve had. A strong true and jammy thick raspberry scent pops out from under the cap, the same taste melding with the cocoa roasty malts, soft water and cream yeast in the mouth. A cheesecake of a beer without being phony or overly sweet. The quality confirms again my ever growing suspicions about this brewer. Too many BAers fear small berries.