The Friday Bullets For Hints Of Spring

Ah, a whole work week has come and gone without any Olympics buggering up the TV. We have other things to think about… apparently. Some think we have little on our minds but I think the nation stands for more than that. Me, I stand for a shot at getting out the Weber char-bee-que tomorrow and basking in plus six sunny weather. Heck, the Red Sox are already 3-0 for the pre-season.

  • Why do my peeps need a hypnotist at a job fair? Why, peeps, why?
  • So what do you call a big government conservative who is not that aggressive over deficits and, yet, not all that progressive?
  • Can you believe that the UK’s governing and perhaps spent Labour party has almost crept back into a tie with their version of the Tories? They haven’t been ahead for two and a half years.
  • Life as bad ugly science fiction.
  • “…if it weren’t for liberal snobbishness, we wouldn’t have civil rights, women’s suffrage, unemployment insurance, public education, Medicare, child labor laws, and the “weekend” – amen.
  • What is social deconstruction?
  • Sad that our forefathers did not share our taste and didn’t have more money to make something grander. Heritage, after all, is all about wealth.

Is that it? What will happen in the next 7 days. It gets very exciting, doesn’t it. Maybe I will go for a walk. Fantastic.
