Amato, Mirella G.: “Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP)”; “Carling O’Keefe Limited”; “direct firing”; “Irish red ale”; “triangular taste test”;
Anderson, Ray.: “attenuation”; “Beer Street (by William Hogarth)”; “three-threads”;
Avery, Zak: “ticking”;
Bamforth, Charles W.: “acetyl CoA”; “Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)”; “adjuncts”; “alcohol”;”aldehydes”; “American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC)”; “analysis”; “antioxidants”; “beer analyzer”; “beta glucanase”; “beta-glucans”; “boiling”; “caramelization”; “carbonhydrates”; “clarity”; “cling”; “congress mash”; “corn”; “Darcy’s law”; “Dimethyl sulfide (DMS)”; “Dissolved oxygen (DO)”; “(E)-2-noneal”; “enzymes”; “ethanol”; “ferulic acid”; “foam”; “gluten-free beer”; Grossman, Ken”; “haze”; “health”; “Maytag, Fritz”; “oxalates”; “oxygen”; “top fermentation”, “University of California, Davis”, “zinc”
Bird, Christopher: “aroma unit (AU)”; “chill haze”; “lightstruck”; “off flavors”
Blake, Thomas: “Klages (barley)”
Black, Victoria Carollo: “hops”; “Blüemelhuber, Gerrit”; “Aspergillus niger”; “Brotzeit” with Garrett Oliver; “Doemens Academy” with Horst Dornbusch; “Durst Malz”; “hectoliter”; “Northdown (hop); “Premiant (hop)”; “Whitbread Golding Variety (hop)”
Bluemelhuber, Gerrit: “Munich” with Horst Dornbusch.
Bouckaert, Peter: “Belgian red ale”; “Liefmans Brewery”
Briem, Fritz: “Berliner weisse”;
Brooks, Jay R.: “Alaskan Brewing”; “American Hop Museum”; “Anchor Brewing Company”; “Anheuser, Eberhard”; “Anheuser-Busch InBev”; “Art, beer in”; “Ballantine, Peter”; “Bamforth, Charles W.”; “beer weeks”; “beer writing”; “Boston Beer Company”; “Busch, August IV”; “drinking songs”; “Franklin, Benjamin”; “Geary, David”; “Hopunion LLC”; “InBev”; “Jefferson, Thomas”; “Papazian, Charles”; “Yuengling, David G.”
Brown, Pete: “Britain”; “BYOB”; “Dreher, Anton”; “Farson Lacto Milk Stout”; “Foster’s”; “Groll, Josef”; “Harvey & Son, Ltd.”; “Hodgson, George”; “India pale ale”; “oast house”; “pilsner”; “Prohibition”; “Thomas Salt and Co.”, “Timothy Taylor Brewery”, “Wadworth Brewery”, “Whitbread Brewery”, “Young’s Brewery”.
Brynildson, Matthew: “Ahtanum (hop)”; “alpha acids”; “Amarillo (hop)”; “bitterness units”; “Burton Union System”; “first wort hopping”; “geraniol”; “hop extracts”; “hop isomerization”; “International Bitterness Units (IBU)” with Val Peacock; “mash hopping”
Buttrick, Paul KA: “batch process”; “bright beer”; “cereal cooker”; “chillproofing”; “clarification”; “grist”; “heat exchanger”; “hop back”; “hot water extract”; “mash”, “mashing”; “mash tun”; “open fermentation” with Garrett Oliver; “parti-gyle”; “temperature-programmed mash”, “underback”, “wet milling”, “Yorkshire square”
Cantwell, Dick: “American Homebrewers Association (AHA)”; “Austrian-Hungarian Empire”; “Ballantine IPA”; “barley wine”; “bog myrtle”; “brewing in Colonial America”; “brewpub”; “California Common”; “Gambrinus, Jan”; “gruit”; “hop shortage (aroma varieties)” with Val Peacock; “manioc”, “New Albion Brewing Company”, “Oregon Brewers Festival”, “pine, fir, and spruce tips”; “Washington, George”, “Weyermann Malting”, “woodruff”
Carneiro, Marcelo: “brown sugar”;
Chlup, Paul H.: “centrifugation”; “Desnoes and Geddes Limited”;
Cilurzo, Vincent: “oak”