The Guardian Unlimited has a great, detailed essay on John Kerry’s policies based on his track record. Just the kind of thing a thousand political blogs would never be able to put together.
Author: Alan
Adventures in Outsourcing
My favourite Mancunian’s tale today of outsourcing hell is quite good. I show up as shipping 40 or so readers a day to his site and its stories of ales and fitba so I should hope at least that many are interested in this news – unless its just that blogspot refer spam crowd for which I take no responsibility.
Fewer Studying Computer Science
This New York Times article is interesting – apparently computer science students are losing interest:
The Computing Research Association’s annual survey of more than 200 universities in the United States and Canada found that undergraduate enrollments in computer science and computer engineering programs were down 23 percent this year.
It could just mean that fewer feel they need the degree to get into the game but I buy this argument:
Enrollments are down at the best computer science schools, where the potential stars of technology’s future are groomed. Professors say there is less enthusiasm for the discipline among students, and they worry it may be more than a lingering disenchantment after the dot-com bubble burst.
Having gone through one economic down-turn in my trade and acting when I saw another on the horizon meant two big dislocations for me and my family. If I knew that there were other countries gearing up to provide my services to the globe for a fraction of the cost, why would I dedicate my life to that trade? Better to study Arabic.
Some wicked dentilation action, eh?
Spring is a comin’
All melting all the time! Don’t things look much warmer in Farenheit?
Seeing as it is within view, I find the weather forcasts from the next TV south at WWTI Watertown is more reliable for this corner of the lake compared to Ottawa or Toronto generated CBC radio weather. Kind of like the Bar Harbor, Maine / Yarmouth, NS thing. You are always adding 2 or 3 degrees and forgetting 75% of the snowfall compared to Ottawa. As a result, with a little luck all our snow will be gone by mid-week.
By the way, I think italicizing the word “Storm” in the upper right is a masterful use of graphics.