
Lake Ontario from the 5:35 am to the Big Smoke. Click if you must.
I met a man on the way back who took the train to and from Detroit every week. Ten hours each way to his work. I was tired of being on the train after two and a half hours. I do not seem to travel well anymore. Maybe it’s because trains in the past took me on holidays rather than work. Not complaining but sitting on a siding in Napanee waiting for the on-coming train to pass is not like heading to Belgium with a backpack when you are twenty three.
These shots are from the way there when I was more wowsie. I was very surprised to see that Lake Ontario was entirely ice-less at the shore near Oshawa. The clouds at the blue horizon in the photo above are the lake effect, laying more snow on Buffalo. VIA Rail could pick a more exciting interior colour scheme than beige and seafoam. They used to be more into navy blue and orange, didn’t they?
Room 1224
I’ve done this kind of thing before.
My Kind of Party
The Devil Does Not Recommend Canada
Because you all need more Robert Burns (1759-1796) in your lives and this is his birthday. I hope you all had your haggis, neeps and tatties.
To the Right Honourable the Earl of Breadalbane, President of the Right Honourable and Honourable the Highland Society, which met on the 23rd of May last at the Shakespeare, Covent Garden, to concert ways and means to frustrate the designs of five hundred Highlanders, who, as the Society were informed by Mr. M’Kenzie of Applecross, were so audacious as to attempt an escape from their lawful lords and masters whose property they were, by emigrating from the lands of Mr. Macdonald of Glengary to the wilds of Canada, in search of that fantastic thing-Liberty. Address Of Beelzebub
Long life, my Lord, an’ health be yours,
Unskaithed by hunger’d Highland boors;
Lord grant me nae duddie, desperate beggar,
Wi’ dirk, claymore, and rusty trigger,
May twin auld Scotland o’ a life
She likes-as butchers like a knife.Faith you and Applecross were right
To keep the Highland hounds in sight:
I doubt na! they wad bid nae better,
Than let them ance out owre the water,
Then up among thae lakes and seas,
They’ll mak what rules and laws they please:
Some daring Hancocke, or a Franklin,
May set their Highland bluid a-ranklin;
Some Washington again may head them,
Or some Montgomery, fearless, lead them,
Till God knows what may be effected
When by such heads and hearts directed,
Poor dunghill sons of dirt and mire
May to Patrician rights aspire!
Nae sage North now, nor sager Sackville,
To watch and premier o’er the pack vile, –
An’ whare will ye get Howes and Clintons
To bring them to a right repentance-
To cowe the rebel generation,
An’ save the honour o’ the nation?
They, an’ be d-d! what right hae they
To meat, or sleep, or light o’ day?
Far less-to riches, pow’r, or freedom,
But what your lordship likes to gie them?But hear, my lord! Glengarry, hear!
Your hand’s owre light to them, I fear;
Your factors, grieves, trustees, and bailies,
I canna say but they do gaylies;
They lay aside a’ tender mercies,
An’ tirl the hallions to the birses;
Yet while they’re only poind’t and herriet,
They’ll keep their stubborn Highland spirit:
But smash them! crash them a’ to spails,
An’ rot the dyvors i’ the jails!
The young dogs, swinge them to the labour;
Let wark an’ hunger mak them sober!
The hizzies, if they’re aughtlins fawsont,
Let them in Drury-lane be lesson’d!
An’ if the wives an’ dirty brats
Come thiggin at your doors an’ yetts,
Flaffin wi’ duds, an’ grey wi’ beas’,
Frightin away your ducks an’ geese;
Get out a horsewhip or a jowler,
The langest thong, the fiercest growler,
An’ gar the tatter’d gypsies pack
Wi’ a’ their bastards on their back!
Go on, my Lord! I lang to meet you,
An’ in my house at hame to greet you;
Wi’ common lords ye shanna mingle,
The benmost neuk beside the ingle,
At my right han’ assigned your seat,
‘Tween Herod’s hip an’ Polycrate:
Or if you on your station tarrow,
Between Almagro and Pizarro,
A seat, I’m sure ye’re well deservin’t;
An’ till ye come-your humble servant,Beelzebub.(The Devil).
1st June, Anno Mundi 5790.
Surely you are each embarrassed by the suggestion that you might need a translation.
Bloggers talking to bloggers about blogging.
Darren and Will share their notes from the same presentation at a blogging conference. It’s great that they are enjoying themselves and all but why do their notes give me the willies? Will noted the comment: “if you talk about something long enough, you will become an authority on the topic.” Yikes!
How about this one: if you isolate yourself and others from legitimate expertise, you will appear smarter than you are.
On Reading “Best Before” Labels
One of our neighbours from down the street brought us a large bottle of beer in a nice gift bag when they came to our pre-Christmas levy. It was a bottle of Picaroons, from a brewery in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Nice, appreciated gift. My only concern is that the Best Before date reads:
G250 Feb0198
Should I: chuckle?; call the police?; close the blinds permanently?; move? Am I reading the date incorrectly?
Blizzard Coverage
Good blizzard coverage from Mike and Ian. We really missed it once again – despite a few hours on Saturday.
Seeing as this is now officially the boringest day of the year, talking about the not weather is even acceptable today.
Update: Arthur has a great photo of his view in Truro, NS of his refilled in driveway. Hey – can I out your address? I am thinking I used to play soccer on the field across the road.
Update #2: Dan has a whole gallery of him feeding Isaac though a stormstay.
Tinky – Meet Bob
Reports are coming in that Tinky Winky feels a bit relieved, no longer standing alone in the cause of tolerance of sexual orientation of asexual cartoon characters everywhere. God, too. God was originally going to call it the Book of Tinky Winky and Sponge Bob Squarepants rather than the Book of Job. But he figured folks would just not get it in the years BC. We have now caught up with eternity.