Beer Shop: Galeville Grocery, Liverpool, NY



Directions to Galeville Grocery

So we hit the road at 8:00 am and were at the fair at 10:30 am after a few stops – one of which was the Galeville Grocery. Unlike Pennsylvania and its restrictive distributor system, New Yorkers have some of the most civilized laws relating to the purchasing of ales. As in Quebec, any corner store can pretty much be one of the best sources you will find. Thanks to a tip from the Homebrewers Digest, we turned off I-81 at the Liverpool turn-off and hunted for the 116 year old shop.

As the photo below shows, it was a small trip into a pretty nice selection of micros. Lots of Ithaca, Brooklyn and other New Yorkers plus a good selection from across the land. They even had sixes of Sleeman’s honey brown for 4.99 which is about 6.50 CND – or 4 bucks less than it costs here in Ontario where it is made. I picked up a variety pack from both Ithaca and Southern Tier as well as a six from each of Brooklyn, Wagner Valley and, because I could, one of Shipyard IPA from Portland Maine. Expect a few comparing and contrasting reviews over the next week weeks including much reference to the works of Lew Bryson.


It was a bit of a lesson in surcharges. The beer cost me $50.45 USD or $67.10 CND. I then paid $2.10 USD New York State bottle return, $3.66 USD New York state tax, $4.00 CND federal duty, $9.64 Ontario Liquor Commission mark-up, $5.44 Canadian Federal Goods and Services Tax, $10.48 Ontario Provincial Sales Tax. Total was $103.78 CND. If I had spent 48 hours in the states it would have only been the $78.20 as there are no border charges but I am not exactly going to plan a three day holiday around saving 29 bucks.

Later: Visited again today and noticed the returns sorting room at the back and its impressive dusty collection of unreturnables. Spot any favorites?



Stuff to Read

Some recommended reading:

  • Brian with the legal office of the 10th Mountain in Iraq has some interesting experiences he is sharing. It is very strange to correspond with someone in a war zone.

  • Living in Dryden is just that, an indexing of public events in the town of Dryden, New York. It is fascinating in its compendiousness…compendiousity.

  • John Gushue is a journalist in Newfoundland who appears to have an in with Paul Moth. I wonder if they were in the same crowd in Laos back in ’84?

Gmail Privacy?

Darren Barefoot raises a pretty big concern over Gmail privacy and agreements Google has signed allowing unspecified nations read everything on their servers.

That is why I have a tiny little bill I pay every month to the little firm and the one guy I know who will not sell me out to the Chinese and the Saudis. That’s were I keep all the good stuff, Mr. government agent for unspecified foreign nation.