Morton wins v. Berwick 3-2 and leads league by 12.
365 Days
Just in case thee are a few people out there slower on the uptake than me, via CBC’s DNTO, the 365 Days Project has a few weeks to go during which a new wacko song a day is added. I woke up from my mid-day Saturday snooze to William Shatner singing croaking “Rocket Man”.
The Seven Chairs: The Fifth One Ended Up in France
Mella told Daniel that Harris is like Sam.
Go to Switching to Glide a music blog for Canada.
My new side blog – whatever will I do with it? Thanks Steve.
Arctic Photos of the 1800’s
This was on MetaFilter just now: a University of Toronto’s massive collection of Arctic records, including photos, from the late 1800’s.
Christmas Recital
It didn’t totally suck. Sitting in a suburban Baptist church
for an hour and a half listening to 43 kids pick out something on the piano and
bang the tamborine is not necessarily the way I want to spend a Saturday
afternoon – especially when there is college football to watch and forget about
two minutes later. I hope the parents whose kids just don’t have the mojo
know it. Music is a great learning experience which I would never
dissuade the most tone deaf from getting into but, man oh man, there are those
that have it and those that do not – regardless of the number of years of
training. The jury may be out on our’s still but she’s having fun and
if she’s not Sarah McLaughlin one day perhaps she’ll be Ethyl Merman – “wouldja
sing “Oklahoma” for your old man one more time, kiddo?”
Fortunately, I am not in charge of these things so everyone gets a warm fuzzy
from the whole event. And it is surpisingly quite nice to hear 5
kids out of 43 pick out the tune to Hockey Night in Canada as their
favourite winter tune.
Antipodians Needed
Looking at your reading patterns it is clear we do not have enough insomniacs among us. To over come that weakness, I am launching a campaign to include more items of interest to our pals down under: Kiwis, Aussie, Micronesians, the lot. Trouble is I have no idea what would possibly be of interest.
I got the White Stripes last CD Elephant the other day. It kind of sounds like Led Zep meets Springsteen’s Nebraska, homemade, but loud buzzy guitars, Robert Plant Houses of the Holy trembly “ahhhh, oooh, yeah baby” kind of singing in the choruses. I wonder what Ogg, child of the ’60’s London blues scene would think? My wife said, you know, I don’t really like music like that – which is odd as she does like Zep. Provides any boy’s daily requirement for loud.