
It is funny how medical science moving to internalize and make a syndrome of more and more things in life:

Researchers at NEC-Mitsubishi say the nation’s office workers are being hit by “Irritable Desk Syndrome”. They say long working hours, cluttered desks and poor posture are making many people ill.

I think I suffer from this. I used to call it being messy and unorganized but I am glad to know I am actually not a lazy arse so much as diseased. Dis-eased. I need more ease. Everyone who knows me know that.

Except NEC-Mitsubishi is not a medical research hospital – it is a computer company that makes things that can clear off your desk. I think I am suffering from medical branding disorder.

Seized Back just like Belfour

It is the season for injured bloggers but with the playoffs coming up that is to be expected. Think I will spend the day laying on the floor taking numbing drugs. It’ll pretty be like my 1980s, I guess.

Speaking of playoffs, there is a move afoot to continue the grand tradition of my internet hockey pool via this digital venue – really only as a link to the site of a friend who administers on a real live interactive data base what I started in 1996 or ’97 with a pad of paper and email. We will speak on that later p’raps.