The View West

factories along Lake Ontario
Jesus light at sunset over Dupont

I caught this shot the other week, before the thaw which turned much of Lake Ontario to that spongy grey ice one step away from lolly. The factory in the foreground are the Dupont nylon and research plants with their 1200 jobs. In the background farther west down the shore you can see the LaFarge plant (concrete or asphalt) as well as the stacks of the Ontario Power Generation plant south of Napanee about 30 km to the west. Amherst Island sits on the horizon to the left of the picture. The Lake and the St. Lawrence River are lined with industry dependent on cheap bulk shipping for either materials in or products out.

Later: a definition of “lolly” can be found at my new best friend, the American Meteorological Society’s Glossary of Meteorology.

Spring is a comin’

warmer in Farenheit
All melting all the time! Don’t things look much warmer in Farenheit?

Seeing as it is within view, I find the weather forcasts from the next TV south at WWTI Watertown is more reliable for this corner of the lake compared to Ottawa or Toronto generated CBC radio weather. Kind of like the Bar Harbor, Maine / Yarmouth, NS thing. You are always adding 2 or 3 degrees and forgetting 75% of the snowfall compared to Ottawa. As a result, with a little luck all our snow will be gone by mid-week.

By the way, I think italicizing the word “Storm” in the upper right is a masterful use of graphics.

Prepare Ye

I am hoping to get into weekend travelling this summer a fair bit and will look south as well as north for stuff to do nearby. So what is there to plan to do this summer across the border in the land of first prize hots?

The “I-Heart-N-Y” site is pretty good for this stuff.    Any suggestions out there?

Later: I understand I may find myself here on Cape Cod at some point, too, if Portland is to be believed.

Three Day Weekend

Throught a fluke of collective bargaining, history and the need to find something good about February, the City has a holiday Monday this weekend. Not a bad thing at all. I will report Tuesday whether it is recommended for all the nation. There were a couple of Danes on the CBC Ottawa news last night saying how the minimum 6 weeks annual holiday made people more productive and more sane. Are Danes otherwise? Should we take the word of Danes? I have no idea.



Roaming through .jpg files just now I came across this beer label from 1991 in Poland where semi-attentive readers are aware I lived. Buying beer in Eastern Euope then was hit and miss. Local families, in our district of new suburbs, ran shops out of their bottom floors and the beers for sale were those Pan Sklepu would go and get. Supply lines were a bit erratic as a result. So happy were the days when Pivo Gdanskie would show up as opposed to some rot from Slupsk which used cloves instead of hops – but only on some weeks when their hops supply didn’t come through. Nothing as refreshing as the surprise of a bubbly mouthful of cloves.


169 years old

Inferior or Superior??

...honouring dot-matrix since 1979

Things seen in Napanee this afternoon. The Square Boy Pizza logo must be one of the last dot matrix brands left. I didn’t catch if the restaurant was inferior or superior.