Not Hot Law

Having a boo at the Jan/Feb issue of Canadian Bar Association’s magazine National it was very interesting to read at page 40 the list of areas of law considered “not hot”, not the “areas where finding work is currently fruitful”. Number one? Technology. The rest of the duds:

  • Securities
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Corporate/Commercial
  • Public Sector

Looks like the 90’s are now truly over. Good thing I finished that LLM in IT back in ’02.

Prepare Ye

I am hoping to get into weekend travelling this summer a fair bit and will look south as well as north for stuff to do nearby. So what is there to plan to do this summer across the border in the land of first prize hots?

The “I-Heart-N-Y” site is pretty good for this stuff.    Any suggestions out there?

Later: I understand I may find myself here on Cape Cod at some point, too, if Portland is to be believed.

Three Day Weekend

Throught a fluke of collective bargaining, history and the need to find something good about February, the City has a holiday Monday this weekend. Not a bad thing at all. I will report Tuesday whether it is recommended for all the nation. There were a couple of Danes on the CBC Ottawa news last night saying how the minimum 6 weeks annual holiday made people more productive and more sane. Are Danes otherwise? Should we take the word of Danes? I have no idea.

Mid-Winter Thaw

Winter weather colours so much of your mental landscape in Canada. Walking home yesterday it was a balmy -2 and everyone was Gene Kelly singing in the rain. Jackets open, heads bare. It has actually warmed up enough to snow (figure that one out, Ale-fan) and we are set for 15 cm or so – which would be the biggest snow in our corner of the world yet this season. This morning, however, the roads are wet. Luxury. A little early to think of them as million dollar snows, the snows that make sure there is enough moisture in the ground for a good growing season, but still we are past the middle. Mid-winter thaw was a time as a kid for ground hockey, a form of the game played on still frozen ground, ruining next spring’s lawn, road hockey without the incessent call of “caaaaaar”.

The January Stats Are In

Confidence is High

Just to keep you advised of your activities, January 2004 was a big month. Hits up 55% at 2736 daily or 84830 for the month. Visits averaged 411 daily or 12754 for the month – up 19%. These stats are something of a mugs game with spiders, bots, wacky google mis-searches but the hit to visit ratio is good at 6.65 to one. This means each visit on average consists of 6.65 moves throughout on the site. It was 5.38 in December. Visits were from 4921 different places up about 25%.

RSS, reading through syndicated feeds, accounted for only 12% of hits, pretty much where it has been. Dutch hits at 565 exceed those from the UK at 538. The guy in Belize visited 34 times. Hello Belize guy. Top five searches:

  1. genx
  2. belinda stronach
  3. aa gill
  4. tijuana bibles
  5. names for teams

At this rate, by 2007, I will account for 36% of all internet traffic, will be a object of desire for porn fans and will also be a candidate for the presidency of the USA. That’s how it works, right?


The trail of red is a big disconcerting
The states of these United States with which my corporeal state has been united

Via Mike, is this interesting if fairly useless web tool to make a map if which states you have visited. Much of my claim is based on the big 1966 trek from Mississauga to San Diego, California. A bit of a guess as to the route we took but I recall the painted desert and the Grand Canyon. Why have I never tasted the delights of Delaware? Best state? Maine.

Movies as a Problem

I have a strange relationship with movies. Until I was about nineteen I went
once or twice a week with my buddies in Truro as an entertainment. Then I worked
for a few years as an usher at a playhouse in Halifax where I would watch the
same play ten to twenty times in a few weeks and all of a sudden I found my
ability to suspend my disbelief entirely gone. I would go to the movies and find
myself sitting in a room with 200 strangers aimed at a wall where images
flashed. It could be a classic at Wormwood’s Dog and Monkey Theater or the
latest crap staring Molly Ringwald – no good: the arse was truly out of it. I
couldn’t get out of my head that people were paying to get emotionally jerked
around collectively. And so much of the experience of crisis, dramatic and often
violent events never experiencable by average folk. Surely something must stick
and displace parts of reality. The only movies I found as I got older that I
could not suffer this trauma were movies I saw before I had this experience or
movies that were so moronic, like The
Wedding Singer
, that it didn’t matter – the point being that you were
supposed to giggle out loud to the point that you were aware of acting stupidly
in front of strangers. It all reminded me of Plato’s ban on fiction nicely
summarized here

Ironically, Plato was no defender of liberty. In his
Republic, Plato states that in an ideal state, all fables would be censored to
protect the minds of the youth. Censors would reject and prohibit tales they
considered to be bad or misleading. Mothers and nurses would be permitted to
read only fables authorized by the republic. In this utopian state, Plato would
also censor those plays and other works which tell untruths of the gods. He
believed the only function of art was to aid in education and believed very
strongly what might be harmful to the young should be prohibited.

am not saying we should have censorship but certainly sympathize with the old
toga man. The pre-eminant role of “being entertained” as a principle of a free
and democractic populace then began to trouble. Like military expenditures on
nuclear warheads, money wasted on half of our entertainment could surely solve
37% of our country’s ills.

The condition may be passing as I enjoyed a normal healthy adult relationship
with Master
and Commander
one weekend before Christmas and last night I watched a piece
of 1998 global fear schlock, Deep Impact [now in a way
caught in a pre-September 11th and even a pre-LOTR stasis (Ed.: as illustrated)] So I drag my ass all the way into Mordor only to have it flatted by a frickin' comet!?!?! and, afterwards, suffered the obligatory
night of wondering how far a killer wave caused by a comet hitting the north
Atlantic would reach inland up the St. Lawrence. An appropriate response, I
assume – the safe but realistic experience of fear for my safety and that of my
young children. Slightly bothered sleep. Glad to be back on board as one of the
entertainable, I guess.


I don’t know why I feel like a logo is required but I messed around with a design last night and came up with this, which I have placed temporarily permanently to the right, scroll down.

I think I have visions of shelves of coffee mugs or a trucker’s cap on Justin Timberlake. I have heard it does not suck. I may tinker and I do reserve the right to have many logos….for my many moods. If Naomi Klein is coming after me it is going to be in a big, big way.