Thanks Hoogvorsts!

One Hoogvorst brother is 1500 km east of me and another over 6000 km east of
me but through the miracle of the interweb superdooper roadway I have been taught how to turn a screen shot into a .jpeg I can edit and also how to obfuscate the emails I show here to defeat spammers.

I have never met them. But we share the devotion to the man with the wrap-around Bonos and the dreads. I will be listening by computer this
and then watching the TV replay this

Bloglines Reminder

With the current spate of photos I am noticing again a lot of “page not founds” in the refer logs via Bloglines. So remember if you are using Bloglines to read this web site, please set the preferences to “Summary” to maximize your bloggy pleasures. That means you, too, Allstream and UPEI guys.

What Blogs Are Good For

Yesterday I needed someone 1,000 miles away to check in on someone and I was able to call on someone I write with regularly through these thingies. The person is notoriously decent but the medium has allowed me to keep up in such as way that I felt it was not an imposition to ask.  Thanks…and thanks…

I puzzle over what thing tool isn’t, given its associated great claims, that it is good to have illustrated what it can do.

Ugly Jerseys

I do not often endorse a business here but, as I have written before, one I love is Premiershirts which as I understand is a hobby turned business from a nice friendly guy in Oldham, England. I noticed he got a mention in an article in this month’s When Saturday Comes – which should cause a good bit of free buzz -and that he has updated his Hall of Shame of the worst jerseys of all time including Coventry’s 1970’s brown get up shown right.

What Not To Say

This report at the BBC on the downside of “baby blogs” is interesting. I try to be discrete about the kids, images especially. I also keep away from work related topics and a few others that spark tedious threads. Some folks here, both known and not, use pen names, which is fine, while others give only a first name and no links. On the other hand, Ian tells all or at least much and others I know discuss the kids specifically. What ought not be discussed?