Odd News

This is interesting news, coming from a formerly high-placed White House insider who would have to be an utter liar and nincompop if this is not true:

Jan. 10 — NEW YORK (Reuters) – Former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill charges in a new book that President Bush entered office in January 2001 intent on invading Iraq and was in search of a way to go about it. O’Neill, fired in December 2002 as part of a shake-up of Bush’s economic team, has become the first major insider of the Bush administration to launch an attack on the president. He likened Bush at Cabinet meetings to “a blind man in a room full of deaf people,” according to excerpts from a CBS interview to promote a book by former Wall Street Journal reporter Ron Suskind, “The Price of Loyalty.”

Odder still given the news about what the Danes found in Iraq.