The New Strobe Web


Does this uuuuugly site look like a bad
1977 Frampton guitar solo to you? Maybe it will be fixed by the time you see it.
It is strobing.

I love Flash so much. Not because of the same reasons Peter does – I don’t care if
something doesn’t get google indexed as by far the biggest part of the web
isn’t. I love it so much because it is cold fusion, because it is an utter
failure for anything other than pong replicators, I love it because people pay
money for it, put it up in incubators. Flash front pages are like fat men in
clown outfits blocking your way to the store you want to enter. They shout and
jump around telling you how great the store is but they keep you from getting

This site adds that thrill of possible seizure from exposure to strobe.