National Six-Pack III: Labatt 50, Quebec

fifty50. portland asked me to. And worst of all, this is actually a case…which I can never remember what they call in Ontario where a case is really a two-four. In Halifax, a case was 12. I don’t know what I will do with the other eleven. A slice of lime won’t even make it a Molrona as this is from Labatts.

50 was exotic in the early 80s Maritimes. You paid a premium under the category “western beer”. Why? Twelve years ago I might have had a few quarts of 50 on Friday night at the Lockmaster in Ottawa listening to bands. Having brewed my own beer for a long time, a beer like this stands out for its cheap ingredients – rough hops, sourish yeast and that funny coated feeling on your lips brewer’s sugar leaves behind. Here is one Minnesotan beer advocatonian‘s take:

This is pretty much a bizzarro world beer. Answers the question “What would an ale taste like if it was made by a macro brewer?” And it’s just as bad as a macro lager, maybe even worse. Flavor smells grainy, musty, and only faintly of the hops that a Pale Ale should have. Barely any hops at all, tastes pretty much labatt blue. It is crap. Since only respectable brewers pretty much make PA’s, against the style this is the bottom of the barrel. I feel bad that I could have gotten a 6 pack of summit, schell, flying dog, goose island, or many other far superior pale ales for the price. If ever offered one, just say “no.”

Twenty years ago Harpers magazine ran an article on the Seattle micro-brewing scene which ended with the reaction of one beer lover having a mass produced beer after a number of micros. He said “did I miss my mouth?”. This sets the benchmark for the low end of the Canadian pale ale scale…but you know I bet it doesn’t, if you really hunted them out. I won’t be bothering. I have my eye on Kawartha Lakes Pale Ale or Big Rock Traditional for the next examination of our national pale ale heritage.

I think I remember that 50 goes well as a red eye with V-8. It’ll be ok.

One thought on “National Six-Pack III: Labatt 50, Quebec”

  1. [Original comments…]

    Bruno Rancourt – January 9, 2005 2:36 PM
    A tout les amateurs de biere;puis-je vous faire constater que la labatt 50 est de loin la biere la plus savoureuses qui a un gouts des plus prononcés. Elle ce demarque de loin de tout autres bieres.

    En ce qui me concerne,depuis l’age de 24 ans(cela fait deja 5 ans)que je bois cette biere et la recomande a tout les gents qui m’entoure. J’ai innitié un grand nombres de personnes venant sourtout de la ville de granby qui est ma ville natale.Je suis un grand client du Pub du Vilage a granby et la vente de cette biere devient de plus en plus importante. Malheureusement,je reussis seulement qu’a innitier le sexe masculin mais hereusement,les femmes boivent tous en general de la labatt Bleu et je me dit; tant que ça reste dans les produits labatt tout est sous controle !

    J’etait un buveure de Molson Ex et maintenant, cette biere porte bien son nom!

    Bruno Rancourt
    (le buvuere de 50)

    Alan – January 9, 2005 7:53 PM
    Merci, Bruno!

    Yum Yum – December 8, 2005 12:03 AM
    La 50 est vraiment malade. C’est la meilleur biere que j’ai jamais bu.
    Elle est vraiment tout comme ta page!!!

    Alan – December 8, 2005 7:47 AM

    Frank the Finch – July 11, 2006 8:40 PM
    Ah yes. The Fiddy. Nevermind Minesotean. His, is well structured advice for those who think of beer more as novelty than a way of life, I suspect. All of it’s own right. (Big Rock = Big disapointment, by the way) Labatt 50 se démarque, point a la ligne. It’s refreshing, well balanced, has got bite and is a definite departure from all those “light beers” that were made so obscenely available in the 90’s
    The most prevalent redeeming aspect is it’s resistance to change over the years. This is beer that sees incredibly little advertisement, yet still manages to endure . I dare you to interpret that any other way than by recognizing the fact the PEOPLE FKKKING LIKE IT. Say what you will… Mount Royal in mid July, a starry night and a 950ml of 50 is only better if you’re getting laid, too.

    Johnny Mainstream – December 4, 2006 11:17 AM
    I never understood what these Montrealers see in Labatt Cinquante. Proof that the Frenchies, despite having the best microbreweries in the western world, can have crap taste too.

    Lee Verr – September 27, 2010 8:06 PM
    Have you notice the resurgence of Labatt 50 among the younger hipster crowd? I was at a vernissage in a gallery in Ottawa and Labatt 50 was offered.

    Back in the 70s and the 80s, this was the typical beer for fishermen and hunters in Quebec.

    Mike – March 28, 2012 12:27 AM
    It’s dirty but I enjoy it. Has a taste that separates the men from the boys.

    You can take it to a house party, and no one will steal it out of the fridge! Since my better half won’t drink it, it’s a great way to guarantee a designated driver as well!

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