Election Eve

Just 24 hours until I am stuck in front of the TV, ignoring the kids, eating junk food, forgetting I need to sleep, acting like a sports fan all for an election. I love an election.

And apparently the US election loves this the internets and especially this small bit which has misled people needing the real goods on Kerry’s policies or wanting to find a reliable US election pool. To those lost and finding themselves here…I have nothing for you but the comfort of letting you know that you are not alone, that the internet is a wasteland.

I can’t recall if I followed the 1996 US election on-line. I think I did and it slowed. I do recall the whole web-thang slowed down a whole lot the next time four years ago. Will the infrastruture be robust enough for all the new streaming audio bandwidth, the video and the incessant click-click-click of millions of nerds updating their RSS feeds every 23 seconds. I bet I’ll be listening to radio by 9:43 pm. Radio, the king of media.