Sticky Bun Withdrawal

Much sadness met the news last week that Cards Bakery on King Street suffered from a fire. Cards was (and hopefully will be again) the home of the unreasonably large pastry. Like any good bakery they had day-olds for a ridiculously low price which, despite the apparent petrification the high sugar content rapidly imposed on this otherwise delightful cinnamon roll, were rejuvinated with about 12 seconds in the microwave. Shown in only partly grotesque larger format with a mere click upon the image to the right, this puppy weighed in at probably over a pound of yeast risen cakey perfection. Six cost $2.50 as day olds – under 42 cents Canadian each. Nothing.

When I bought this one and the other five that went before it, I joked whether it was scientifically possible to get more sugar and butter into one object. The clerk said that they would give me a side dish of sugar for dipping if I wanted one. Rumour has it there is a branch in the burbs.