Beach Head

I have done something I have never done. I have beach bummed and will again today. Being albino between the freckles this requires SPF 50 or stronger taken with my tea and rubbed all over as well as a canny set of umbrellas and tarps to actually isolate myself from the slightest contact with any rouge ray of sunlight…but still I am bumming. We have been to three beaches on 4 of the 5 last days and will beach again today and likely tomorrow as well. It is like a week of being in and out of the sauna…over and over. I am appear to be losing contact with my muscular system and have started to forget things. Like what it is like to have dry pants on. Why is it OK to walk around with soaking pants only by the sea? It is like a great conspiracy with strangers. We will all look silly, damp and all be mostly naked but we will only do so when we lay down before Lord Poseidon.