Day Off For Nuttin

I decided there is only one thing better than one long weekend in October and that is two. I don’t really take too many days off and usually carry days from one year to the next. It is still a newish idea to me that I have legislated days off as opposed to days that I stay away from work. Here are some things to consider along with me as I aim at achieving a whole lot of nuttin:

  • Anyway, it is the first day of NCPR’s funding drive and eight hours into the week they are already at 31% of their estimated requirements. I will give and, right after I convince you it is one of the best radio stations out there, you should, too.
  • Based on the beer blog and with the goal of having a hobby that pays for itself, I have been invited to take baby steps into the more formal world of writing about been by news-printy inky-handy publications based in Wisconsin and New York City. What would you like written about beer?
  • The blog bubble has taken off in style with a widget being sold for 2.3 million. That is nuts except if there is a revenue stream in the works and I am thinking RSS spam. All aggregators being sent ads amongst their RSS feeds somehow. The future will suck and then collapse as usual.