NuEthics for NuCons

The days events are best summed up by Bob at Let It Bleed:

IF …in May 2005 you were OPPOSED to Belinda Stronach crossing the floor to the Liberals

THEN …in February 2006 you should be OPPOSED to David Emerson crossing the floor to the Conservatives…

There is of course more so go read the whole post. How delicious to watch out new rural overlords ineptly and unnecessarily fall on their faces on day one and watching their bloggy pals split off the thinnest shavings of a hair you will ever see to distinguish the bad old Grits (quite evil actually) from the new ethical Tories. Thankfully, there are many blue bloggers and fellow libertarian travellers who are as disgusted as I am. Actually I am more amused than disgusted as I have every expectation the Tories will operate exactly like the Grits except for the sanctimonious grin on their mugs.

Now…to be fair…Don points out that PM Harper never said that this flipping of parties was wrong. He just never quite said it was #1 on his plan for governance.

Update: Steve the Angry Man twigs to what this new math means:

…There is also the independent. That means that a tie does not actually exist. Either the CPC+NDP or the Liberal+Bloc would have to entice Andre Arthur to their side…

So the Quebec City shock jock André Arthur now holds the balance of power in the Parliament of my country. Excellent. Thanks Prime Minister Steve.