Time to Sell?

As usual, the Flea has exposed my real intentions in writing here day after day after pathetic day – the dream of undeserved riches. Well, apparently that dream is no longer a waste of time as the NYT reports that pickings are slim but wallets are fat in the bubbly economic world of web buy-outs:

Media companies are still hungry. Is there much left for them to consume that they’ll find satisfying? NBC Universal’s $600 million acquisition of iVillage, an early Internet company catering to women, highlights the continuing interest by media companies in adding new Web sites to reach and connect with consumers, hobbyists, parents, investors, car buyers, Scrabble players and virtually every other niche audience.

Scrabble players? Investors?!? Phft!!! How obvious. How structured. Doesn’t the world of mega finance know that the real wealth of the web is to be found in the drifty and derivative? Like the products of GX40 MegaCo International.

Now, how to pitch the deal? Maybe a merger or two will have to start the ball rolling. If the Flea joined forces with A Good Beer Blog you might have a new blog called Toast of the Flea in which the beer and other beverage tastes of really skinny often hypercephalic celebrities are shared. I’ll have to work on this.  But it’s looking gold.