Easter Week

An excellent picture from the BBC this morning, most excellent because of the trendy girls in to the back and right who are looking at the black wizardy lads.

Easter week has often meant in my adult life hitting the road as it will this year, seeking a little saltiness and a little spring. As those little blue spring flowers are popping up here now, who knows what there will be to see in the Mohawk Valley or around Worchester, MA as we travel through. God forbid a leaf on a tree but maybe a daffodil.

Once, I knew it was spring because I was reading The Master and The Margarita as a way to renew myself. Silly lad, as now or at least for four of the last six years, spring does not start unless I have been in the company of Mainers. Remember when I used to post short short movies? Well, it is three weeks early but one can only hope to see a spring day like this again.