The Politics Of Science

Let the re-engineering of knowledge begin!

The new Conservative government has decided to slash spending on Environment Canada programs designed to fight global warming by 80 per cent, and wants cuts of 40 per cent in the budgets devoted to climate change at other ministries, according to cabinet documents obtained by The Globe and Mail. The documents also say that the Conservatives’ campaign promise of tax breaks for transit passes would cost up to $2-billion over five years, but would result in an insignificant cut in greenhouse-gas emissions because the incentives are expected to spur only a small increase in the number of people willing to trade using cars for buses and subways.

Interesting to note that, like the baby bonus toddler luxury cash grab, the bus pass money will cost a lot and do little. This seems to be a theme with Harper: cut and spend in reaction to assumptions rather than statistical studies or actual science. Now don’t get me wrong – every program aimed at a goal does not necesarily represent the best or even a good means to achieve that goal.

But our new rural overlords do not seem to be operating on that basis either. It’s all coffee clatch science: “I’ve heard the Smiths believe in evolution…how could we come from monkeys?…that must be wrong ’cause monekys are smelly…evolution is a lie.” Try it with global warming, finance policy or anything else. It’s like putting on 3D glasses when no one told you the movie was in 3D, you just thought what you were watching was fuzzy for no apparent reason.  The knee jerks instinctively.