Help A Blogger Out

Ian asks an interesting question:

I am not out to solicit praise. Someone please tell me how I can do this blog differently, or what they would do with this space. Dialogue is all but dead, and the rest is gossip. If this is merely a place to put photos, I could do it on Flickr. Are blogs really just the domain of knitters and people who are still dating? If we’ve all made up our minds, why are any of us still talking?

Even as stats crash and the false promise of blogging pans out fully, I often think that this blog and others are geared primarily to trigger response. Seeing as that is part of our CIA funding agreement, it makes sense. So respond – if you have any requests for topics and themes, let me know. Should there be a Tantrama City reunion mini-series? Should I finally make up my mind and join a political party? Should I just stay home and cut out all this travelling?

At least go tell Ian what to do.