Getting Rid Of The Internet

What! Is there some kind of weird thing happening here? Just one year ago – one thin year – I asked the question whether we should turn off the internet […well, not “we” as in this bunch around here but the “we” that we are all part of, a small bit of which “we” has actually the power to turn off the Internet…] and now they […by which I mean people with more power than “we”…] are thinking about shuttin ‘er all down.

Will there be room made for me and my dopey blogs? Why would there be? Western world creates a miracle of a communications system and it – aside for the fact that it is structured like something out of a terrorist’s dream – it is filled with the empty babble of dingbats like me, people selling old paper cups on eBay and the hacking and spamming and fisking and all the other vacuous dingbattery that goes on around the world. Why would anyone in charge actually make room for that…for me…for we?

What will it look like when the Internet goes off-line? Wanna bet when it’s going to happen? How would we report the winner?