Bulletpoints For The First of May

The shift from snow to having a lawn to mow is startling. I may already be behind.

  • Update: Scots election chaos.
  • Please note two key differences between me and Mike.
  • I decided this May Day would be the day we should thank a great unheralded socialist of the past. The socialist dream we all benefit from in our day to day life is entirely due to the dreams and efforts of Victor L. Berger, US Congressman from Wisconsin – that is when he wasn’t barred from taking his seat for being against WWI. Looking back, is there any of us who is not against WWI? Thanks Vic.
  • Speaking of obscurities of the past, I came across this chart of blow-hards and their opinions in relation to the Great Depression. My favorite is “Gentleman, you have come sixty days too late. The depression is over” by Herbert Hoover, 1930.
  • I set up an account on Twitter to see what all the fun is. In the past, I set up an anonymous blogger blog and did nothing with it as I soon realized such things are sad. I also have a MySpace out there somewhere but it is in German so I don’t understand it. As Rob points out, Ontario has now banned Facebook in the public workspace which is fine as these sorts of things are really private hobby activities anyway. But play with the Twitter thing to see if it does anything. Herbert Hoover I am sure would approve as there are great days ahead. If you need to set up a new email account to play with it, I have about 200 of them to give away.
  • Good news out of Afghanistan and as positive a flip-flop as the Harper government might flop-flip:

    Afghanistan, in what amounts to a tacit admission that its security forces may be compromised by torture, has accepted that Canadian monitors be allowed to interview transferred detainees privately. In effect, the secret police colonel — who may terrify a hapless captive — can be turfed out of the cell by Canadian monitors. That provision alone is a measure of just how far Afghanistan was willing to go to accommodate Canada’s newfound need for a landmark pact.

    So there was something wrong, there was likely the need to monitor and control movement of people who had come into Canadian detention and now it is up to our leaders to make sure they are handled properly by those into whose trust they are passed. Sounds all grown up and planned.

  • Fabulous news out of baseball with the 13th one man triple play in the history of the game’s top level:

    To put it in perspective with the game’s other great rarity, there have been 17 perfect games pitched, including Don Larsen’s in the 1956 World Series. Even the “natural cycle,” hitting a single, double, triple and home run in order in one game is more common, having occurred 14 times in the big leagues.

    If I had had it on the TV, my head would have been in the fridge at the time.

And on a personal note, I will not as it turns out be going to my undergrad reunion after all. Instead, I will enjoy the enhanced cost of my new roof shingles later this summer. The purveyors of ales and seafood of Halifax and the Maritimes will have to live another year without me. But fear not as instead of six or seven nights of hotels we are investing in Sea Dogs tickies and Boston Chocolates instead as I’ll will be reporting from Maine later in the month. I understand there will be parades on Memorial Day. Parades are excellent. As are Boston Chocolates.