I Am So Proud…

…to be a citizen of a country where this happens. From the Toronto Star‘s unlinkable report:

The RCMP’s 125th anniversary in 1999 turned into an embarrassing waste of taxpayer dollars, Fraser said. Public Works contributed $3 million to a trio of ad agencies – Lafleur, Media/I.D.A. Vision and Gosselin – who were responsible for transferring the money to the RCMP. Those three agencies took a combined $1.3 million in fees and commissions and transferred $1.7 million to the RCMP for its anniversary celebration. Fraser’s audit concluded that the RCMP’s Quebec division received its payments through a separate non-government bank account, which violates the federal Financial Administration Act. The transactions were recorded manually rather than in the RCMP’s standard accounting system, and some of the supporting documents were subsequently destroyed.

Just to let Belize guy know, the RCMP is the national police who are supposed to investigate things like…umm…widespread breach of fiduciary duty by public officials. So, I’ll likely be voting NDP if only to give that crowd a kick at the slush fund as the other two crowds have eaten more than their fill. Seriously, how in God’s name can anyone say now that they would do worse.