Canada Day 2020 Is Here And That Means… Beer?

I jumped out of bed in such a rush this morning, all a giggle. It’s Canada Day! On a Wednesday!!  I knew I had to post the picture of the two guys – Larry and Neil according to their name tags – drinking American beer that I’ve been posting sorta unknowingly on Canada Day for something like a decade and a half.  Mainly for their bow ties. I love those bow ties.

I will smoke ribs today out in the backyard for a small do at the neighbours within our bubble. But that’s a bit American, too, isn’t it. I’ll slather on CNY sauce on the stuff. But other than that, not sure what I’ll do. Fly flags probably. But not too near the BBQ. Gotta be safe. And not really in a jingoistic manner. A good mix. Maybe a beer but, you know, it’s a workday tomorrow. Oh – and write the Thursday links. I’ll do that. Even though there is nothing much to report on I have to do my duty by all you all… see, hmm… Canadians don’t really even say that. Hmm…

This is obviously a bad year for it all.  But we are now closer to 2021 than to 2019 so even in this stagnant funk, things move on. Enjoy your Canada wherever you are. Have a modest amount of beer. Not too much. There’s work tomorrow. Perhaps a Zoom meeting.

PS: “Oh, Canada” for those requesting in the comments.

The Thursday Beery News Notes For The Time Of Reopenings

Odd thing, openings. Last weekend here in Ontario I was at a favorite outdoor patio. I sat with my back 12 inches from someone else’s back, separated by non-medical garden latticework. Not like the space on offer at Chateau Stonch, above. No, the server wore no mask. The sign said we were to have sanitized ourselves before coming and going. It was great. But we have not had community spread in out city and region. So were they – was I – irresponsible? Dunno.

These concerns are the central topic of the week in beer land. Well, there does seem to be an odd whisper from pro-am editors about the need for pro-am editors and the Toronto… umm… World Beer Club… err… Cup* is having it’s closed set of non-accredited tasting notes aggregated somewhere. But no one really notices. It’s all about the patio this week – and should one stay or should one go. Consider this bit of wisdom from another UK pubby person:

I’m gonna give the flag shaggers a couple of weeks on the piss before I open my place.

It does rather get to the point, no? There will be a number of approaches to being a demanding consumer in these new times. Perhaps as many as there are US states, going by the available data. Boak and Bailey have offered some thoughts for the thinking fan of drinking in pubs round there way:

…we think it’s a no-brainer for pubs to share their risk assessment, or at least evidence that they have done one. It’s a really good way for them to reassure customers that they have thought about everything from a customer and an employee perspective.

Exactly. Making sure folk know what to expect allows the consumer to make the decision. While some go on about “community” it’s important to know that too often that means do what you are told. No sense in that these days. And, if we are being honest, this is one of the best ways to get folk back in the habit of liking what you offer:

Remember, if you have any @BohemBrewer lager in your cellar, we’ll send complimentary fresh replacements for your re-opening on #July4th – get in touch today.

Retired Martin has been visiting the outsides of pubs. He may well be ready. Robin’s not:

Hey, still don’t feel good about going to a bar or restaurant during this pandemic because it’s kind of clear that we’ve done nothing and are all out of ideas so we’re just going to muscle through! That’s a really bad idea!

Elsewhere in the world of alco-health news, helpful thoughts from NPR on how to tell of your new relaxed standards due to Covid-19 are affecting your health:

Despite the lack of dine-in customers for nearly two and half long months during the shutdown, Darrell Loo of Waldo Thai stayed busy. Loo is the bar manager for the popular restaurant in Kansas City, Mo., and he credits increased drinking and looser liquor laws during the pandemic for his brisk business. Alcohol also seemed to help his customers deal with all the uncertainty and fear. “Drinking definitely was a way of coping with it,” says Loo. “People did drink a lot more when it happened. I, myself, did drink a lot more.”

Aside from matters of health, Jordan has taken on the role of critic in chief when it comes to a very odd bit of jingoistic marketing where macro in Canada is appropriating craft:

Great. How long will it take you to find people who want to give up their licensing rights and product for that process? Is it immediate? “Oooh, who do you, the public wanna see in it? Let’s create awareness for something happening next Wednesday?” Horseshit.

I like this question, too, in relation to the degree of actual “jing” in the jingoism:

In the interest of transparency, how many Canadian jobs were shifted from Molson’s Toronto office to Milwaukee’s this year? I heard 200.

Elsewhere, macro-owned Camden Town in England appear to be similarly offering to assist some as they kick others in the shins. As Le Protz noted:

Other brewers, not bankrolled by a global giant, can’t afford to do this….

It’s happening in Belgium, too. But, the good beer world being what it is, some get cold feet apparently when principle rams up against future prospects.

As someone who became an “Esq” master at a certain age, who holds a LLM in addition to the LLB and also (don’t tell anyone) is a lapsed Master Mason, I suppose I should be concerned even though I ain’t really if it all fades away, like this:

The Court of Master Sommeliers is getting rid of the word “master” in common practice. It’s typical for master sommeliers to be referred to as “Master” followed by their last name, but the prestigious wine organization is changing that in an attempt to make the wine industry more inclusive.

Just to be clear, I would never call someone “Master” based on a wine course. And you needn’t worry about calling me that either. Unless your a Mason… because we know what happens when you don’t… but we can’t talk about that, can we.

Street toast!

A quiet week. But it is now summer. Remember. We made it through spring 2020. Live goes on even if we are not sure what sort of life it will be. Keep writing and tell us what you see. Don’t wait for another to tell you and for God’s sake, don’t wait for the pro-am editor to approve. Be brave. Do it! And check in with Boak and Bailey most Saturdays, plus more at the OCBG Podcast on Tuesdays and sometimes on a Friday posts at The Fizz as well. And sign up for Katie’s weekly newsletter, too. Plus the venerable Full Pint podcast. And Fermentation Radio with Emma Inch. There’s the AfroBeerChick  podcast as well! And have a look at Brewsround‘s take on the beer writing of the week. Not to mention Cabin Fever.

*I’m so confused…

As We Bid Adieu To Spring 2020 These Are The Thursday Beery News Notes

I usually like spring… but…  well, let’s say no more about that… I also have to admit that it has been a crazy last few work weeks and the news selections might show it. As justice seems to have begun to regain and even resettle upon the nations, not a lot new in the beer news. But let’s record that for posterity, too.

And it is Father’s Day this Sunday in these parts. I’ve never understood it as usually it means teens doing a bad job at mowing the lawn or little kids destroying the kitchen to make you a bowl of their favorite cereal. Yet, the year they all forgot I went and got a burger by myself, fuming. Drunken History shared this ad to the up and the right as a reminder that “Pops” likes beer on this special day.

We start our notifications of events this week from an unexpected but interesting class of plea from the Tand himself:

I’ve been contacted by a local brewer whose yeast has died during lockdown. If any brewer is willing to help out and get the brewery re-started, please follow me and DM in confidence.

I guess the need for discretion arises should the yeast ranchers of the region find out this brewer dropped the ball… or the flask… or something… Conversely, this brewer is back to work and throwing off the shackles of a bad social media habit:

Well the time has come to hang up my internet fingers…with bars and restaurants slowly coming back my brewing duties are getting back to normal so this will be my last Twitter I send out. Thanks everyone for putting up with me Sincerely Smitty poundsign bye.

I had no idea that this space, these information super highways were some sort of filler in the lives of others, that there are more meaningful things to do. How odd… though I do approve the L’nL’ rankings. Just don’t tell Ren that it’s odd. She updated her website with maximum internet finger utility and the results look good:

Beer. Diversity. offers in-person consulting for a variety of businesses, in the following areas of expertise:
– Beer/alcohol purchasing for restaurants and bars

– Staff training (including staff tastings, tasting notes, how to pour product and line cleaning)
– Liaise with sales reps and order handling
– Assistance with creation of a Diversity & Inclusion policy

Also not odd at all is the news that Ron is staying home – and is all the more comfortable for doing so:

Three months it is since I last visited a pub. They’ve been open a couple of weeks here. With distancing rules. Not been tempted, myself. I can wait. It might have been different if they were a bit cheaper. Or offered cask beer. My social drinking has been limited to a few cans down at the “beach” with my mate Mikey. At opposite ends of a park bench. All strictly according to the rules.

I can appreciate that. I have been hardly out and about at all, not yet checking out the newly opened patios. Andy is now nervously gearing up for a first step into the brave new world of practicing safe patio. But JJB is having none of it and is now taking a firm stand, announcing he is opening up his southern English pub’s beer garden with sensible safety measures one way or another by July 8th.:

And yes, I’m willing to accept the consequences if I’m in contravention of the law. I’m not just a licensee but also a solicitor. I take the rule of law very seriously. However the time comes to make a stand when government fails completely.

It’s all Matt wants, his pub back. Elsewhere, I briefly thought Jeff had closed up shop but he was speaking of Beervana is the greater sense of his bit of Oregon, his geographical rather than digital homeland and how the law has not been any more helpfully applied than for that pub above:

A couple weeks back, Multnomah County (ie, Portland) started making preparations to join the rest of the state in Phase 1 reopening on Friday, June 12. Businesses were given no caution as the date approached (or any information, actually), and began making preparations last week for what they assumed would be their first weekend of business in three months. And then, at 7:15 on Thursday night—less than twelve hours before owners would hang up “open” signs—Governor Kate Brown said nyet. “In order to ensure that the virus is not spreading too quickly,” she wrote, “I am putting all county applications for further reopening on hold for seven days.”

Yeesh. A bit more within the lines and according to the rules, Nate has written about one UK brewery has successfully refocused to deal with the pandemic:

Having furloughed the majority of their bar and HQ staff – and having a team of people working on every grant and loan possible in order to help save the business – North focused on online sales which have increased by over 1,000% since lockdown began, making up for the trade lost through selling to pubs… North has worked tirelessly on how they can reopen their bars as bottle shops in Leeds – and in a way that’s safe for their customers and staff alike.

Good. Also good is the news that Pete Brown is self-publishing a new book and wants your money!

My new book Craft: An Argument is out next week! My new Patreon has some exclusive book-related offers. – £3+: access to a deleted section – £6+: a preview of first two chapters from today – £10+: copy of the book, and your name in the back.

This is funny. Apparently it is Ontario Craft Beer Week but the organizers are so disfunctional, not promoting is the new what’s what, as Greg noted:

So, hey, apparently @OntCraftBrewers Week is happening right now even though website is gone & it’s not mentioned on the main OCB website & they haven’t tweeted in a month & haven’t posted to Facebook since last July.

[Style. Just sayin’.]

A tie this week for the best two White Claw mocking tweets of the week. The photo to your right and this below:

White Claw tastes like you’re drinking tv static while someone screams the name of a fruit from another room.

Finally, I know it is unkind but I can’t shake the feeling that there is a subtext to why this story was chosen out of all the examples out there:

Disclosure: Brewery Bhavana has been a client of GBH’s brand studio, a separate team based in Chicago… the actual brewing facility—located a mile from the restaurants—did not close. Patrick Woodson stresses the independence of the brewing operations, saying that he had little to no involvement in management of the restaurant and taproom…

There. It’s summer next time we meet. I’ll be happy to put spring away for this year. Worst ever? Maybe. Check in with Boak and Bailey most Saturdays, plus more at the OCBG Podcast on Tuesdays and sometimes on a Friday posts at The Fizz as well. And sign up for Katie’s weekly newsletter, too. Plus the venerable Full Pint podcast. And Fermentation Radio with Emma Inch. There’s the AfroBeerChick  podcast as well! And have a look at Brewsround‘s take on the beer writing of the week. Not to mention Cabin Fever.  See you next week!

Thursday Beery News Notes For The Week The Patios Reopened

A better week. Not a perfect week in any sense but a better week. Here in Ontario, more coming back to life. As of this Friday, where I live I can get a haircut, go to a church that is 30% full and hang out with ten people at a time. Things are moving forward. One key issue: should pubs still have a proper level of grot as they reopen? Hmm… And when Her Majesty the Queen told us “we will meet again” did she imagine it would be on asphalt in a parking lot?

Furthermore on the hereabouts, on Monday the AGCO announced the expansion for outdoor service on Monday, effective in most of Ontario this Friday. Toronto and the surrounding areas as still considered too much at risk and will open at a later date. The rules for creating a bigger outdoor area are interesting:

1. The physical extension of the premises is adjacent to the premises to which the licence to sell liquor applies;
2. The municipality in which the premises is situated has indicated it does not object to an extension;
3. The licensee is able to demonstrate sufficient control over the physical extension of the premises;
4. There is no condition on the liquor sales licence prohibiting a patio; and,
5. The capacity of any new patio, or extended patio space where the licensee has an existing licensed patio, does not exceed 1.11 square metres per person.

Even more interesting, those who meet the above criteria are not required to apply to the AGCO or pay a fee to temporarily extend their patio or add a temporary new licensed patio and they are not required to submit any documentation to the AGCO to demonstrate compliance with the above criteria.  We aren’t in Kansas anymore, Toto.

Elsewhere, Boak and Bailey have celebrated another step towards liberation with the takeaway service at their local micropub being now a going concern:

…the reopening of The Drapers is definitely next level, game-changing stuff. Not necessarily because every single beer is utterly brilliant, but because [w]e suddenly have access to a range of cask beers, not just one at a time; [w]e don’t have to decide a week in advance what we want to drink, and we (probably) don’t need to worry about running out between deliveries[; and T]he range that’s been on offer so far includes things we would not have been able to get hold of easily. It also includes new-to-us beers that we wouldn’t have wanted to risk buying in bulk, on spec.*

Stonch tweeted about one of the pains in the neck he has to deal with as he moves to reopening:

The shysters trying to cash in hospitality operators’ anxiety about re-opening at the moment are something else. Steady trickle into the inbox offering weird, unscientific and unnecessary products and services in the name of “COVID-19 secure”. Fuck off, spivs.

The timing and rules for reopening in Britain remain murky at best but Mr. Protz celebrated one  wonderful milestone, the return to brewing cask at Timothy Taylor’s:

We are incredibly chuffed to announce that today is the first day since lockdown that we have produced CASK!! Thank you so much to every single one of you for your support through this incredibly difficult period! Slowly but surely, we are getting there!

Katie wrote an excellent bit on the lockdown’s effect on small brewers… when they weren’t brewing including preserving, returning to home towns and this:

For the synth-aware, Adrian’s current kit (at the time of writing this) was his Eurorack, AKAI Pad controller, Yamaha mixer and Roland Boutiques SH-01, TR-09 and TB-03. If you fancy hearing his creations in action, find him on twitter at @wishbonebrewery.

Catching up elsewhere, Gary has been busy and I particularly liked this piece of his on a 1935 conference which added helpfully to the question of 1800s adjectives in North American beer labeling:

Rindelhardt stated that cream ale and lively ale, which he considered synonymous, were devised in the mid-1800s to compete with lager. He said they were ale barrelled before fermentation had completed to build up carbonation in the trade casks, or krausened in those casks, and sent out. In contrast, sparkling ale and present use ale – again synonymous – might also be krausened, and later force-carbonated, but were a flat stored ale blended with lager krausen. This form, provided the lager krausen was handled correctly, still offered an ale character but in a fizzy, chilled way as lager would offer.

“Cream ale”  and “cream beer” are of special interest as careful readers will recall. Check out his thoughts on the revival of Molson Golden, which I can only pronounce as if I were from Moncton, New Brunswick.

Speaking of history, I was reading through Canadian artist Tom Thompson’s diaries of the summer he disappeared over a century ago and was struck by this:

June 7, 1917: I had a hell of a hangover this morning. The whisky we had yesterday hit me hard but at least I didn’t go blind. That happened numerous times after the Temperance Act went into effect and people started making their own alcohol  Sometimes the alcohol wasn’t right and people would go blind drinking it.

Note that he did not say prohibition and indicated activities not akin to prohibition. Never really right to use the US term and apply it to the Canadian context.

Closer to the present, Jeff wrote about the great Bert Grant (and I added my two pieces in the cheap seats of Twitter replies), Canada’s true gift to craft beer:

The West Coast was divided into segments, and the cities of Portland and Seattle followed a parallel but separate track. The breweries there had their own founders and in one is a historical lacuna that explains a great deal about the influences that guided hoppy ales in the Pacific Northwest. That forgotten figure is Bert Grant, who left the hops business to start his own brewery in 1982 and whose first beers created an instant appetite, decades ahead of the rest of the country, for hoppy ales.

Read all three pieces as you only understand 1982 if you understand 1944.

Jordan celebrated a milestone, hitting a decade in the beer soaked life.  What did he learn? “Soylent Green is people!!!” No… let’s check that… no, beer is people:

If you wanted to play around with ingredients, you’d be a home brewer. A professional brewer, by default, brews for someone else. One assumes that a professional brewer does that because they enjoy it. One assumes that they make a product they believe in to the best of their ability and share it with the world. One assumes they are mindful of all the collective effort that goes into that.

Speaking of home brewers, in 1973 the BBC sent the fabulous Fyfe Robertson in search of the perfect pint made in an English basement. Have I posted this before? If I have it’s worth a second look. Speaking of Auntie Beeb, Merryn linked to a BBC 4 story on bere barley in Orkney.

One last thing. I have seen a few calls from part time editors feeling adrift who are encouraging vulnerable beer writers to turn to them in exchange for the usual pittance and a scraping of your voice in exchange for theirs. Do not be fooled! This is the time for you to be you:

Beer writers! What have you wanted to cover that might not appeal to a mainstream site? An underreported subject that merits a quick dive? An aspect of beer culture that deserves a closer look? Get a blog!

[What is a “quick dive” anyway?]

There. A better week. Keep writing and reading and keeping up with the chin uppitry. Check in with Boak and Bailey most Saturdays, plus more at the OCBG Podcast on Tuesdays and sometimes on a Friday posts at The Fizz as well. And sign up for Katie’s weekly newsletter, too. Plus the venerable Full Pint podcast. And Fermentation Radio with Emma Inch. There’s the AfroBeerChick  podcast as well! And have a look at Brewsround‘s take on the beer writing of the week. Not to mention Cabin Fever. Thanks for stopping by while not leaving the house. Except now you can leave your house a bit more. Do it!

*Edited only to make things as I wish they were.

Thursday’s Beery News Notes For A Horrible First Week Of June

What a horrible week. There is no other way to put it. While hope that there may be some control over Covid-19 just glimmering on the edge of the horizon, racial brutality and reciprocal mass protests break out while looting, hobby anarchists and white supremacists posing as anarchists attack. And I probably have that wrong, too. But idiocy and bigotry have had their say and its been ugly.

So what to say about beer? Robin and Jordan didn’t say anything about it and kept the focus where it should be. Good. Others spoke out. Good. Ren offered help. Good. Garrett Oliver wrote a gut-wrenching Twitter thread last Saturday on his personal experience including this harrowing detail from when he was a child:

My father got quieter. “If you turn on a flashlight in the dark inside the house, the police will think there’s a burglar in the house. And they will come and bust open our front door and shoot us in our own living room. “We’re kids”, I said. Dad looked us in the eyes. “They won’t care. They’ll shoot you like a dog, right here. And when we come down the stairs they’ll shoot us too.” He took the flashlights and put them back in a drawer. “Go to bed”. We thought he was exaggerating. It didn’t take long for us to understand that he was not.

Others wrote sad, pathetic things.  The Twitter feed for the now apologetic something called Bristol Gin had this message up for a while:

When the shooting starts the looting starts. Voted No 1 gin by rioters for its complex botanical mix and high flammability.

It boggles the mind. It also boggles the mind that something called Steam Hollow Brewing triggered first a flame war over who and what is racist in all this and then seemingly engaged in one of the saddest, most bizarre alt-reality neverneverland projections I’ve witnessed in all this. Was that person drunk and scared, too, or just opening up? I don’t care. Either way, as stated by @afrobeerchick, this can be the only response.

There is no grand summation I can offer. Humans have the capacity to be monsters. We also have the capacity to overcome and shine. I hope more of that is what the next seven days bring, even if just a growing glimmering of justice on the edge of the horizon. This is a long, long road. Be safe and know that all lives cannot matter until black lives matter.

The “All Stories Have Ground To A Halt” Version Of The Thursday Beery News

Things are slow out there. True, I was no paying much attention but the beer news is a bit dribbly. So dribbly in fact that I did not realize I had been blessed with a comment from Tandyman himself five days ago.  To tell me I was wrong about something. So slow that I post this picture to the right* in a desperate attempt to drum up the slightest interest in this week’s edition of the news notes. If this whole thing goes on long enough, it might be what the dapper gent will once again where to the pub. Might be wrong about that, too. Who can tell these days? Other than the Tand.

Note: a salad bar now filled with booze minis. [“Nippy sweeties” according to Billy Connolly and his skit “The Jobbie Weecha !!!!“] And Nate is apparently doing very well in all this. Perhaps, Robin not always so much. And Katie is very much on the doorstep. Boak and Bailey are mini-kegging it at home… with maps.

Elsewhere, Stonch was figuring out the rules for English licensees without folk propping up the bar, rules about how to sell their beer, like he does by delivery in milk cartons, but closed with some of his best legal advice ever:

I’ve written a lot of replies there (sorry Matt!) but in general I think I agree with Matt that pubs should be careful doing this. It doesn’t *feel* right, even if it’s legal – and in any case we’ll all be open again properly in a few weeks so why jump the gun?

This tweet purported to show how 2 meter distancing would not work in an English pub but, to my eye, I would assume removing a few chairs could make it possible.

To the east of Stonch, Max wrote a series of tweets about the joys of the reopening of pubs in his Czech hometown, of the first meal on a patio (right) and the first pub visit (below):

I thought a lot about which pub will be the first I would walk into and when. But, sod it! I was in the neighbourhood and simply couldn’t resist…

Nearby, Evan wrote about a few Czech beers, too – but from there, still in his lock down. He was not so thrilled but gave an update on what was allowed:

Flash forward 10 weeks and it feels like we’re over the (first?) hump. Things in the Czech lands are cautiously reopening, at least for now, with pubs and restaurants allowed to serve drinks and food indoors as of May 25, and mask usage no longer required outside, provided you can maintain a 2-meter distance from others. (Masks do not have to be worn by customers while eating and drinking indoors, though they still must be worn by servers and there are new restrictions on customer counts and spacing between seats. Masks still must be worn on public transportation and in shops.)

We can all agree that we need to hate the Astros, right? Now there is a beer for that. Conversely, GBH has decided that beer price rises are not gouging and took the trade association’s word on it:

Uhrich attributes the pricing spike to reductions in discounting. Retailers are simply putting less beer on sale than they normally would at this time. 

Really. Never saw one that coming. Somewhat similarly, I was sent links to this story about how the Black Death created the pub. It’s OK but it feels a little like someone took a jigsaw puzzle and gave it a good shake before packing it in a pile and telling folk it was complete:

“The survivors [of the Black Death] prioritized expenditure on foodstuffs, clothing, fuel, and domestic utensils,” writes Professor Mark Bailey of the University of East Anglia, who also credits the plague for the rise of pub culture, over email. “They drank more and better quality ale; ate more and better quality bread; and consumed more meat and dairy produce. Alongside this increased disposable income, they also had more leisure time.” Not every establishment looked like a modern pub: Alehouses were often still literally brewers’ homes, inns offered ale and accommodation, and taverns were a sort of medieval wine bar, a lasting legacy of the Roman Taberna.

I blame the editors, as always.  Refresh yourself with Jeff on the fragrant and rich thing that is Italian Pilsner.

Westwardly, Dr. J. Jackson-Beckham wrote a post about, first, what a horrible job she did at social media polling but then how it gave rise to unexpected considerations on how craft breweries might address inclusivity in terms of employment practices:

I was curious if there might be some correlation between perceptions of inclusion and equity and the level of formalization of any given part of the employee journey. As expected, performance reviewing was reported to be the least formalized. Without standard operating procedures that make inclusive and equitable practices transparent, it’s less likely that these practices will be used at all or perceived as such by employees…right? Wrong.

To her east over in Glasgow, Robsterowski wrote about having a 42 year old beer, a 1978 Courage Russian Stout:

First waft of the 1978 bottle on opening: well they certainly didn’t forget to dose this with Brettanomyces. The secondary yeast has completely taken over, leather, prunes, balsamic vinegar. Residual sugars have almost completely dried out since 1978, but the beer is still drinkable: still some carbonation, still quite viscous and oily, though lighter than it once would have been, yet no sweetness. Blackcurrant and some empyreumatic flavours reminiscent of wood smoke, perhaps a little smoked beef, any acrid or chocolatey notes long since mellowed out. There is still quite a bitter aftertaste on this, though it is camouflaged by the massive Brettanomyces aroma. Would probably have been better not quite so old. If you happen to also have a 42 year old bottle of Russian Stout, drink it fifteen years ago.

Fine. That’s enough. Cooler weather by the weekend around here. It’s been like August for a few days so it will be good to see late April again. Keep writing and reading and keeping up with the chin uppitry. Check in with Boak and Bailey most Saturdays, plus more at the OCBG Podcast on Tuesdays and sometimes on a Friday posts at The Fizz as well. And sign up for Katie’s weekly newsletter, too. Plus the venerable Full Pint podcast. And Fermentation Radio with Emma Inch. There’s the AfroBeerChick  podcast as well! And have a look at Brewsround‘s take on the beer writing of the week. Not to mention Cabin Fever. Thanks for stopping by while not leaving the house.

The Two-Thirds Into Spring 2020 Edition Of Thursday Beery News Notes

I am having trouble with time. I thought it would drag but it’s racing for me. I thought it was maybe May 9th when I woke up. 11:45 am comes at an alarming pace each day. Things are opening up here. Tennis but no football. Playing catch as long as no one get tagged out at home. It’s sensible as we have done a good job locking the damn bug down… but then what. Society is temporarily reorganizing to maximize activity safely. I want to get a beer at a patio but so far it’s still my own patio in my own backyard. Just grateful that this isn’t happening in any November I’ve known.

As excellently illustrated above by Yves Harman, Reuters reported that the Mons of the Saint-Sixtus abbey are up and at’em:

The Saint-Sixtus abbey, home to 19 monks, launched an online sale on Thursday evening of 6,000 crates, with pick-ups starting Friday. Exceptionally, customers can buy three crates. Normally it is just two. Customers can come as usual by car, but are told not to leave their vehicles while queuing until they pass a newly installed traffic light before the pick-up point. There, a lay worker in mask and gloves passes their 24-bottle crates through a small gap in a plastic screen. 

Good for them. I am not obsessive about the stuff but nice to see money flowing. Beer Ritz is opening, too, and Buckfast is back – buct Cookie wants more. You know, it’ll be interesting in the post-mortem if we learn that Covid-19 can actually be transmitted though small gaps in plastic screens.

Matthew has gotten his game going, too, as illustrated by this post on how beer bloggers are coping with Covid-19. I must be losing my touch as all the targets are not obvious to me (but interesting to see Tandyman disappointed in being left out):

Any kind of pub-type experience is at least ten weeks away at this point, so at best we’re not even halfway through this yet.  But if you, dear reader, think that you are suffering, imagine the travails of those most affected by this ordeal – the pub and beer bloggers of the UK.  As this particular blog is among those that are most well-regarded and connected, we at Seeing The Lizards have asked a select group of other bloggers on how they’re coping while cut off from their usual stimuli.  And, importantly, how much they’re drinking as a result.

Dr. J. J.-B. tweeted some excellent thoughts about her role in the overall construct of social justice advocacy within craft brewing and lessons learned from both Covid-19 and her carpentry skills:

Keynote speaking, workshops, and intensive on-site consulting are simply not tools that we can rely upon in a post-COVID world. And those tools had severe limitations that I am enthusiastically addressing over these weeks of physical distancing.

Good. She has shared hints of this before and I have to admit I am pleased. I have had at times a role in advocating for indigenous rights among legal circles as well as the importance of records related privacy rights and the public speaking role can seem to trigger a easy nod from the audience rather than a revivalist’s commitment. I am rooting for her. Fight!

Gary has posted a very good discussion on California Steam Beer which I like most of all because it aligns with my own thoughts on the matter while going into more detail:

The one area I do not necessarily agree with these authorities, contemporary as they are, is their assignment of steam beer as solely bottom-fermented. Clearly they state this, indeed Wahl & Henius state that lager yeast is a special type of bottom yeast. Kummerlander simply states that steam beer yeast is “a bottom-fermenting yeast”, but that’s clear enough. Buchner ditto. I find the area much less clear. To scientists and technical brewers after about 1900, classification was increasingly important, as of course today. Between 1850 and 1900 when steam beer was in ascendancy in California and still often made in rude conditions, e.g., without mechanical cooling of wort, such distinctions would have been less important.

It also serves as a good companion to Jeff’s post on Anchor Steam of a few weeks ago. It is settled. “Steam” was just useful techno-branding.

Speaking of early 1900s brewing, Ron posted an interesting piece on German WWI brewing constraints:

I’ve seen UK brewing records where ther’s (sic) the odd much stronger version brewed, which is then blended with weaker beers post-fermentation. The point being to get healthy yeast to be pitched into later brews. And that was when worts were in the 1020ºs, considerably higher than the 3º Plato (1012º) they had been forced down to in Germany.

And in more brewerio-historique news, Martyn has made a plea for today’s brewers to record what is happening during this pandemic for the future Rons out there:

…even though brewers have plenty and more to do just to try to survive right now, I have a request, as a historian: when this IS all over, or even before, if you have a moment, please, take time to record what you did, what you’re doing, to survive, what strategies you adopted, what changes you made, from organising home deliveries to turning your beer into hand-sanitizer. Because in ten, 20, 50 years’ time, people will be looking back at this and saying: “Wow – what must it have been like to have lived through that, to have tried to run a company, keep it going, while all that was going on?” And you can let them know.

Katie is taking sensible breaks.

For the double and as part of the Twitter discussion on the utility and limits of style as a construct, Ron has posted a challenge to identify which late 1930s British ales were branded at IPAs:

To emphasise the difficulty, nay, impossibility of splitting apart UK Pale Ale and IPA in the 20th century, I thought up a little game. It’s called spot the IPA. The table is of various beer brewed in 1938 and 1939. Some were called as Pale Ale and some were called IPA. Can you tell which is which? The IBU value is my calculation, based on the recipe. Got gospel, but at least a general indication of the bitterness level.

I am of the “style = branding” school of grump but many other well stated views are in the thread which may have started back here with Jeff (double) on May 10th… (who cites Ron which may make for a treble.)

And, if you squint, you can read Beth‘s contribution to Craft Beer & Brewing mag on the situation in Oakland. Excellent.

That’s it for now. Might have a couple of beer after work tomorrow. Now that the blood pressure is back down. Gotta watch out for bad habits in these times of stress. Keep writing and reading and keeping up with the chin uppitry. Check in with Boak and Bailey most Saturdays, plus more at the OCBG Podcast on Tuesdays and sometimes on a Friday posts at The Fizz as well. And sign up for Katie’s weekly newsletter, too. Plus the venerable Full Pint podcast. And Fermentation Radio with Emma Inch. There’s the AfroBeerChick  podcast as well! And have a look at Brewsround‘s take on the beer writing of the week. Not to mention Cabin Fever. Thanks for stopping by while not leaving the house.



It’s Mid-May And Here’s The Thursday Beery New Notes

Here’s the real news since last week. I had to get the car battery jump started. Things have gotten so idle around here that the battery went flat. In spring. Not that you would have known it was spring with the temperatures but that is not my point. The point is the second biggest investment in my life is sitting there entering an entropic state, proving the one or more of the laws of thermodynamics. Or something. Fords. Go figure. Plus the other real news is that Max went to a bar and drank a beer. In Prague. Really. I think it is going to be alright after all. I did that last on the 6th of March. Seventy days ago or so.

What else has been going on? Work has been busy and drinks few so there has been a wee bit of a slide in my reading this week. Zoom meetings. All the zooming… who knew? One thing that’s being going on is that Robin and Jordan hit a one year anniversary of their podcast. Note: a word which is not about dealing with the residue left after a good pea shelling session.  I listened to the first at a ball diamond parking lot up north in Sydenham, Ontario. I’m listening to broadcast #52 as I type. This week, they discuss the local new world order of home delivery direct from breweries which reminded me of this news from California‘s Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control:

The investigation’s findings, posted as an industry advisory to the ABC’s website, say “the Department’s recent enforcement actions have revealed that third-party delivery services are routinely delivering alcoholic beverages to minors,” and that “many licensees, and the delivery services they use, are failing to adhere to a variety of other legal obligations.” The situation is being exacerbated by the pandemic because of “a marked increase in deliveries” once the state began allowing the sale and delivery of to-go cocktails and other forms of liquor in March.

Also in Toronto, Mr. B commented on the fiscal prospects a beer writer faces these days when contemplating a new book project:


Not unrelated, please tip more.

Conversely, there was a great splash out on the typewriter ink ribbon for Boak and Bailey’s #BeeryLongRead2020 fest-a-bration earlier this week and they posted a handy round up of seven of the submissions. A prize in the form of a bundle of books was sent to the best entry, Josh Farrington for his essay “Something in the Water“:

Some of my first memories of drinking come from those summer holidays. Sips of pungent sea-dark wine, acidic and overwhelming; a sample of gin and tonic, bitter and medicinal with a gasping clarity; and of course, beer – not ale, nothing my grandfather would touch – but lager, cold and crisp and gassy, a fleeting glimpse of adulthood.

Ah, the pleasure of the amateur pen. But if that were not enough to dissuade you from a career path, there was big news on the sensational front reported this week:

 To test this, we first compared a group of wine experts to yoked novices using a battery of questionnaires. We show for the first time that experts report greater vividness of wine imagery, with no difference in vividness across sensory modalities. In contrast, novices had more vivid color imagery than taste or odor imagery for wines. Experts and novices did not differ on other vividness of imagery measures, suggesting a domain‐specific effect of expertise. 

Modalities. Again with the modalities. Frankly, I have long suspected there was no difference in vividness across sensory modalities. You doubted me but there it is.

“How to Bottle Condition Beer” by Stephanie Brindley for the brewery tech services firm, Murphy and Son. Just the one. In case you wanted to know.

@oldmudgie offered a wonderfully reactionary, counter-reformation laced  call to turn back the clock by arguing that the pub smoking ban should now be reversed as part of the new world order:

It should be remembered that smoking continued to be permitted in outdoor areas because it was felt that there was little or no risk to others from environmental tobacco smoke. (The same is true indoors, of course, but that’s another matter). If people don’t like it, that’s up to then, but it seems a warped sense of priorities to be more worried about the risk from second-hand smoke than from coronavirus.

He also added that there is evidence that heavy smokers may actually offer some protection against Da Vid.  It is an evil disease that prompts you to save yourself by killing yourself.

Conversely, the anti-neo-prohibitionist Straw Man Society will no doubt have frothed at the mouth  over this interesting BBC bit on why you might be drinking too much during lockdown:

“In the moment, it feels like relief and we feel better,” explains Annie Grace, author of This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol. “Our blood alcohol level rises and things feel slower; our mind relaxes and there’s some disorientation and euphoria.” But the relief is transient, she says, as “20-30 minutes later the body starts to purge the alcohol, because that’s what the body does with toxins, and as the alcohol leaves our blood we start feeling uncomfortable and even more stressed”.

Not me. I’m off the bottle. Largely. Me, I am pumping up my immune system as fast as I can… and maybe now taking up a two-pack of smokes habit a day.

Care of Cookie, we learn that the scholars of the UK’s newspaper The Sun have taken a different tack on the issue of health and drinking and offered this regulatory suggestion from local Tourism Alliance Director, Kurt Janson :

“The urgency of the situation should let shops look at having outdoor seating areas – which is a permitted development – meaning you can just do it. Or you could change planning rules to shut down streets in the evenings. He also explained how pubs in less-populated areas could reopen: “Pubs could open back onto fields, especially in rural areas, and use farmer’s fields to increase the footfall.”

Farmers fields! Filled with newly heavy smokers trying to cope with their new smoking habit as well as their new habit of sitting out in a farmer’s field.  Better than out behind a disused railway line, I suppose.

Rather than such neverlands of past and/or future, Jeff has been writing more about the now:

One of the challenges of this moment is uncertainty: we have no idea—we can’t know—how long this will last. It’s impossible to guess when I’ll be able to sit down for my next pint of draft beer. Those two months feel simultaneously like ten years and also ten minutes. It’s a disorienting time, made all the more so because we don’t know how long it will last.

That’s all for now. Is it still now? Now. And in seven days it will be a week from now. And now again.* Meantime, keep writing and reading and keeping up with the chin. Check in with Boak and Bailey most Saturdays, plus more at the OCBG Podcast on Tuesdays and sometimes on a Friday posts at The Fizz as well. And sign up for Katie’s weekly newsletter, too. Plus the venerable Full Pint podcast. And Fermentation Radio with Emma Inch. There’s the AfroBeerChick  podcast as well! And have a look at Brewsround‘s take on the beer writing of the week. Thanks for stopping by.

*Being early Gen X, this all makes perfect sense to me.




Not So Much The “Tra-La It’s May!” Edition Of Thursday Beer Notes

A short edition this week me thinks. It has been another odd week, weeks which are each in their own way odd unto themselves. This week “murder hornets” were the new form of crap the planet has offered up – except they make a tasty snack. And Cinco de Mayo came and went but some Mexicans were not even able to get to their beer. Not essential. A few more things are opening up here in Ontario. Jordan noted that cideries are now suddenly relieved of an arbitrary five km limit on direct sales. Jeff is still posting photos from his walks about Rye which is another form of relief.

Tomorrow being Friday, 8 May, sees is the return of #BeeryLongReads2020 care of Boak and Bailey. Me, I am not looking like a likely participant myself given I have nothing to write about and no energy to write the noting that I have to write about. So I look forward to a good read. Me. Selfish. Keep an eye out for the roundup of last Friday’s revival of The Session over at Fuggled, too.

Jeff’s take on the homebrewing machine that is no more is pretty much my take: “I never understood the appeal of these things.”

PicoBrew, the homebrewing appliance startup based in Seattle, is effectively shutting down the Spoon has learned today. Back in February, the Spoon broke the story about PicoBrew entering the Washington State bankruptcy process in the form of court-managed receivership. Earlier this month, we uncovered news that the company had put up for sale via auction what looked to be most of the company’s warehouse and PicoPak assembly equipment.

Note #1: not a victim of Covid-19. Note #2: these things have been failing for at least 209 years. CBC TV’s archives have a bit from 1985 on the hobby. Spot all the clichés. Sweet Dave Line sighting!

Speaking of doing it all yourself, Seeing the Lizards has published a guide to creating your own private pub experience with theme options from the tedious to the fearful:

Unfortunately, even if you were allowed past the top of your street, there are no open pubs to go to (unless, nudge nudge wink wink, you “know” somebody).  But never fear – in one of the gestures of community spirit and generosity that this blog is famous for, we at Seeing The Lizards are providing you with an instructional guide to make your own preferred pub experience without having to leave your property boundaries and risk being fined by the fuzz.  And remember, getting those subtle touches right only adds to the sense of authenticity, as is imagining the requisite atmosphere.

This is interesting: “NEIPAs are killing the Ontario hop industry.” And this is the story about it:

Many growers in Ontario are now sitting on at least two years worth of inventory, and have to sell older hops at discount rates. Things have gotten so bad for some farmers in two of Canada’s biggest hop growing provinces—Ontario and British Columbia—that they’ve decided to get out of growing the product all together. “At the beginning there was a big allure,” says Brandon Bickle, an Ontario grower who has decided to shut down his hop farm, Valley Hops, after seven seasons. 

Retired Martyn notes a Covid-19 passing of someone I was fond of, David Greenfield, the keyboardist of The Stranglers:

At the age of 14 I furtively met an older lad in the corner of the playground at Cottenham Village College and handed over my 30p for an ex-demo copy of The Stranglers classic with that new wave late ’70s theme of Armageddon (See also : Atomic by Blondie and Luton Airport by Cats U.K.).

Jeff* has been at the front line of the Covid-19 battle, publishing first-hand reports from brewery owners, like this on the struggle one faced to get part of the Federal small business support funding:

After contacting every business person and bank I could think of, there seemed to be little I could do. Our company was stuck with our existing big banks who didn’t seem to care. Meanwhile I was reading about Ruth’s Chris, The Lakers, and Shake Shack. I was so angry and did my fair share of yelling at my computer. I can relate to Van Havig’s post and have not been the best person to be around the last few weeks.  I feel bad my family had to put up with me.

Brian Alberts took the opportunity to compare today with the Spanish Flu of a century ago for GBH through the lens of the the competing forms of crisis that faced Wisconsin:

Milwaukee’s leaders stepped up in a crisis, and largely handled it well. But, for the city’s brewers and saloonkeepers, this wasn’t the only battle to fight. From a business standpoint, it probably wasn’t the most important battle in the fall of 1918, nor the second, and maybe not even the third. After all, when the President criminalizes your beer supply, a university threatens to shut you down completely, the Senate tries to brand you a traitor, and a pandemic ravages your community—all at the same time—how do you decide what takes priority?

A few interesting notes in this trade article on not getting stuck at the “off-flavour stage of sensory training but I am not sure about this:

“It is important to revisit brand flavor profiles as they change and evolve according to consumer preference, and I do think that brands really should evolve,” says Barr. “I’m not a believer that brands should just maintain as they are out of some kind of philosophical reason. I do think they need to be updated, and incremental changes should be made based on the palate of your consumers, because it is changing and developing.”

Don’t like that idea. While it is true that the hallmark of a good brewer is how to make the same beer out of ingredients of differing qualities, it is odd that the idea of “brand” should not be fairly closely tied to a certain flavour profile. If your creating brand loyalty, don’t dilute it with changes that can be perceived… and often perceived by the customer as cutting corners even if the intention isn’t quite that.

Well, there you go. Not a tome but not haiku either. Keep writing and reading and keeping up with the chin. Check in with Boak and Bailey most Saturdays, plus more at the OCBG Podcast on Tuesdays and sometimes on a Friday posts at The Fizz as well. And sign up for Katie’s weekly newsletter, too. Plus the venerable Full Pint podcast. And Fermentation Radio with Emma Inch. There’s the AfroBeerChick  podcast as well! And have a look at Brewsround‘s take on the beer writing of the week. Thanks for stopping by.

*for the double!

The Session 144: Mea Taverna Quarantina

Hmm… what have I been up to… or… how I spent my involuntary semi-vacation in the house and yard… or … I dunno… let’s see… what did Alistair say I should be writing about…

Having been bombarded for the last 4 or 5 weeks by various media sources and corporate email blasts telling everything that companies are doing to combat COVID-19 and how they are “on your side”, the phrases that have been so heavily used as to border on cliche include “abundance of caution” (title of the next Coldplay album apparently), “unprecedented times”, and “the new normal”. 

4 or 5? My last normal day was March 6th when I took the day off to watch the Canadian national curling championships in our town. By the next week, folk were staying away from the office and the NBA shut down. Late winter has turned to spring as I watched out the kitchen window. I was in the office for 30 minutes in April. Being on the edge of response events, I have had waves of busy interspersed with very very busy but they are waves on on that part of the ocean called the doldrums. Quiet. Waking up and being aware that the light is a bit different and the grass greener. Waiting for the next Zoom meeting. Always the next Zoom meeting.

We have 15 rooms in our 1964 bungalow. And a front yard. And a back yard. And a shed. You remember the shed, right? Five people with places to hide from each other. Four of age. We’ve been buying local beer and Prince Edward County wine for home delivery and, this being Friday, will have some this evening.  We buy take away dinners from our favorite spots once or twice week. I am happy to report that the brewery folk I have talked to have been saying that switching from draught account kegs to curbside home delivery cans has worked. Money is flowing.

Things I have not done: learned a new language, picked up the idle guitar, cleaned off the pile of crap on the old computer desk, taken up jogging. I have, however, gotten the garden going, napped a lot and generally destressed after being excessively stressed for the first few weeks. Even though I shop in a surgical mask there now seems to be a sense of this thing now, even if it is smothering – in all the meanings of that word.We have been lucky even as some nursing homes in other towns  have been on fire wit the virus. A restructuring of much will be coming.

It’s good that I’m a homebody. I have most beers I drink around here, in the living room or out in the yard. Garden centers start to open Monday here in Ontario. I don’t miss the pub. Much. I sorta miss the ability to go out even when I don’t go all that much. Maybe soon. Maybe next month?

Who’s doing the next edition of The Session? Maybe next month.