Wow! Neato!!

Just two of the alternative adjectives which could have been used by Cory Boing in this introduction to a boohooery paste from Kottke:

One of Kottke’s readers is a writer named Meghann Marco whose publisher is joined to the suit against Google over the excellent, writer-friendly Google Print service. She has written an amazing open letter to her publisher…

What would have been really amazing would be if the author had actually negotiated terms in her publishing agreement allowing her this freedom before signing and before receiving and I would expect keeping the money she is being paid by said dark lord of the print shop. It would also be amazing to set up a publishing house that allowed for the realistic return of revenue and provided for multi-media options fairly and openly. Advocating for that would be excellent and writer-friendly and based on something better than mere complaint. Instead “excellent, writer-friendly” is reserved for a tool of an entity that is doing all it can apparently to corner the web in a manner that should have Bill Gates’s jealous head spinning; that seemingly avoids respecting the rights of the works of the authors like those backing the suit; that appears to want to breaks the association of thinker and thought to undermine the economics that allow for the slow and solid development of good thought; and which generally lives behind a creepy grey walls of silence upon which “do good things” or some other such banality is etch-a-sketched.

You know I own one share of the monoGoog, the bubble of one, as I plan to destroy it from within but that is my project not yours. Love it now. You may will fear it next. Hmm – how about an open-source search engine? Can I build one of those now that I know how to center an image?

More Web 2.0 And Symbols

Rereading that essay David sent and it strikes me as quite funny that Web 2.0 is not being called Bubble 2.0 as there seems to be a lot of repetition of mistakes – but as long as there are consultants and cash that is going to happen.

What is most interesting is how basic assumptions are so empty yet that is what you get for futurism. Nicholas Carr, the author of the essay, makes an obvious but excellent point about the quality of content and the web. It reminded me of when I first was listening to Mp3s with the lads in the day, I kept asking why the quality of the audio was so bad and got such insightful responses as “whatever” or some such thing. It appeared that somewhere around 1996 the focus on listening to music that had the highest performance fidelity got dropped as a mass culture interest in favour of music that cost you nothing but the 50 bucks a month for internet and, then, 4000 bucks for the computer. What I see Carr as saying is that understanding itself is going that same way – it does not matter that the facts are crap as long as they come out of the screen that lets me post words on it. He writes:

The promoters of Web 2.0 venerate the amateur and distrust the professional. We see it in their unalloyed praise of Wikipedia, and we see it in their worship of open-source software and myriad other examples of democratic creativity. Perhaps nowhere, though, is their love of amateurism so apparent as in their promotion of blogging as an alternative to what they call “the mainstream media.” Here’s O’Reilly: “While mainstream media may see individual blogs as competitors, what is really unnerving is that the competition is with the blogosphere as a whole. This is not just a competition between sites, but a competition between business models. The world of Web 2.0 is also the world of what Dan Gillmor calls ‘we, the media,’ a world in which ‘the former audience,’ not a few people in a back room, decides what’s important.”

It has been a long time since I picked up Wired as reading it always got me mad at these sorts of stunned ideas that were presented in it but it appears that there may be an ascendency of a new techo-doltery that has formed around this notion of Web 2.0 – and where better to link that from but wikipedia.

Is it dangerous? Maybe. At the heart of the keener interest in the web is a satisfaction with just the appearance of authority or perhaps the shrugging off of authority in favour of entertainment – without consideration for what is lost…because the Internet Archive does not record what pre-dates itself. So we no longer like the tough love of The New York Times or anything to which the label of the mainstream media attaches in favour of nice stories we like. Like a child eating candy instead of finishing her vegetables. But it means we also like crappier sounding audio, fewer specialist thinkers and not paying artists for their works – not to mention providing a communications medium for terrorists that is practically impossible to monitor.

Maybe the Internet itself is that grey goo seeping over the horizon that Bill Joy spoke of in “Why the Future Does Not Need Us” five and a half years ago.

Newspaper / Blog

Here is an interesting thing that I have not noted before. Toronto’s Globe and Mail posts story specific comments on its web version – this sports story has four comments this morning. It might be more interesting if the whole process were a centrally aggregated moderated thingie so that the paper could also present all or the best comments in one place accessible from the front page.

Day Off For Nuttin

I decided there is only one thing better than one long weekend in October and that is two. I don’t really take too many days off and usually carry days from one year to the next. It is still a newish idea to me that I have legislated days off as opposed to days that I stay away from work. Here are some things to consider along with me as I aim at achieving a whole lot of nuttin:

  • Anyway, it is the first day of NCPR’s funding drive and eight hours into the week they are already at 31% of their estimated requirements. I will give and, right after I convince you it is one of the best radio stations out there, you should, too.
  • Based on the beer blog and with the goal of having a hobby that pays for itself, I have been invited to take baby steps into the more formal world of writing about been by news-printy inky-handy publications based in Wisconsin and New York City. What would you like written about beer?
  • The blog bubble has taken off in style with a widget being sold for 2.3 million. That is nuts except if there is a revenue stream in the works and I am thinking RSS spam. All aggregators being sent ads amongst their RSS feeds somehow. The future will suck and then collapse as usual.

The Stash Renewed

While in Syracuse NY for a couple of days, a brief side trip this morning to the Galeville Grocery sees the stash now renewed for another month or two. As a result, I have stories to write about Middles Ages, Mendocino of Saragota, Magic Hat, plus two new to try from each of Youngs, Ommegang and Weyerbacher (their imperial stout and imperial pumpkin ale) as well as a bunch of singles including Stoudts ESB.

The night before found me at Clark’s Ale House and its neighbour the Blue Tusk. I didn’t take notes or photos taking the time to just enjoy these two great bars and introducing them to pals. Both institutions handle the beers fantastically, coaxing hidden flavours out with their cleanliness and care. I had my first taste of Lake Placid’s keg only brown ale last night at Clark’s – very pleasant nut brown with what I thought was an interesting subtle spiciness in either the hop or yeast selection. At the Blue Tusk I settled into an extended relationship with Dogfish Head 60 Minute Ale, the intermediary between their Shelter Pale Ale and 90 Minute IPA which sits in what I now think of as my happy place. There are snugs at the Blue Tusk, those little rooms off rooms that give you a quieter spot, time to talk and listen. The one farthest from the bar sits eight in benches like slightly reclined pews.

Boring Wednesday

Nothing planned, lots of busy work, day before pay day – a lot of things conspire to make a day so dull you wish that you could relive the day they announced the Segway ’cause at least on that day hopes for a plan for world peace or limitless fuel were dashed by a goofball who thought we were all dying to riding around two-wheeled bread boxes with hockey sticks for handles.

I still have never seen one.


This is how these things should work:

“Earlier today I became aware of a search warrant alleging that I was the subject of an RCMP investigation relating to a land transaction somewhere between 1996 and 2002,” Sorbara said Tuesday night.
Ontario Finance Minister Greg Sorbara in the Ontario Legislature. “While I have no idea as to what the allegations are or the facts on which they are based, my responsibility as a minister of the Crown is to step aside pending a determination of the matters alleged in the warrant.”

No waiting to see. No Delayesque slandering of the prosecution inviting the disrespect for due process and the constitution. Just doing what is the right thing to do.