Group photos

My pals at silverorange had a great time with Sloan on the weekend in Toronto all arranged by Chip. I saw this picture in green this morning and was pretty envious but watching a lunar eclipse with my kids was a close second for a weekend night.

Chip drummed!
Chip is in the back left not on skateboard

The picture reminded me of other group photos in my life, often from that same early- mid-twenties age, people who are now professionals in distant cities or countries or lost to contact. The sometimes well haired Ian maintains the art well. Here is one of mine from 1987 at the Truro Ponderosa Steakhouse – as opposed to the Truro Ponderosa beverage room.

All hungover.
JP is at back left on skateboard

Haimy is in Japan, Maddy in California, a BC dentist, two Ontario doctors, a cardiac nurse, a municipal clerk, a hospital pharmacist, three I have know idea, me and Smed. Grouping is good.