Wrong Conspiracy

If it weren’t for knowing about the gays friends of my mother who were
separately killed – aka bashed – for being who they were, this story might be
just funny and an example of a moron
. The opinions of the former Baptist
preacher Canadian Alliance MP should lead to his removal from office but they
won’t. They will cause an outrage, then a rallying of the stupid and then
another entrenchment that my faith somehow is related to this sort of idiocy.

What is most galling is that the efforts of the hateful, were they actually
focused on the principles of the faith, might actually advance the cause, feed
the hungry, shoe the children, increase the mass of love in the world – that
sort of pidly stuff. Why is “judge not” so easily forgotten by those so eager to
be first in line for the buffet in heaven?

Later: Well done, Mr. Harper.