Our Words

Back from the pyool – it has been a “pyool” and not a “pool” ever since Freddie Flintston said so – and I am reminded of family words or phrases like these:

  • “chitterybite”: food you eat after getting out after a swim.
  • “Doubt it Ralphie!”: I thought this was a universal phrase until a few years ago. It is what you say when someone is caught out in a lie. I thought everyone did until my father told me that when we were kids there was a compulsive fibber kid down the street named Ralph.
  • “Sae help ma Bob!”: From Oor Wullie, the Scots comic classic. Wullie says it when someone finds his stash of sweeties and “scoffs the lot” or he comes home to find the policeman whose hat he knocked off waiting with his parents. Generally followed by three lines appearing to the left side of his rear. Now used by adult children to other adult children when someone takes the last beer or snabs the best seat.

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