It Is UnCanadian To Question Or Embarrass Your New Rural Overlords!

The whole bleat of the Government of One is getting tired, is it not? How is it that after the PMO botches a story and then botches it again, that the Opposition then commenting on the botch is a deed done wrong? Only the mind of Peter MacKay knows that:

Dion pointed out Friday that Defence Minister Peter Mackay was in Afghanistan when the policy on detainees changed. When questioned on the issue, MacKay refused to answer and criticized Dion instead. “What Mr. Dion is doing, if he wants to be irresponsible and talk about briefings that he received, that’s a decision for him. I am not going to put Canadian soldiers or the people that they’re there to protect in harm’s way by talking about operational details or what takes place in the theatre.”

So when the Tories let loose with the fact about where Opposition government leaders will be in a war zone before it happens, well, that is not bad. But to point out the foolishness of the PMO after it spills the beans? Now that is UnCanadian.

One thought on “It Is UnCanadian To Question Or Embarrass Your New Rural Overlords!”

  1. [Original comments…]

    David Janes – January 26, 2008 9:35 AM
    Hilarious. The basic premise of the Liberal’s attacks on Harper & friends since before the last election is that they’re crypto-Americans: i.e. unCanadian, though they haven’t been pithy enough to say it in one word. You’ll note the first thing that spewed of out Corduroy’s mouth (or whatever his name is) is a comparison to Americans. Ditto for any other issue facing the country.

    The best part of the recent Muldoon scandals was at least Dijon got to mix it up a bit by calling Harper Mulrooney’s toady rather than Bush’s b-boy.

    David Janes – January 26, 2008 9:36 AM
    Actually, it’s all more depressing than hilarious.

    sean liddle – January 26, 2008 9:42 AM
    “The Twin” how apt a captcha..

    The entire plot reminds me of a certain CIA operative down south who’s cover was blown by a certain worker of a certain right wing government.

    Alan – January 26, 2008 9:51 AM
    “…is that they’re crypto-Americans: i.e. unCanadian…”

    I think relative to Conservative and Liberal back and forth of the past, this is not really the case but that may speak more to the inability of the Grits to put a message together than anything. If there was ever a time to turn the “not a real leader” line back on Harper it is now – but fat chance they could pull it off without tripping over their own untied shoe laces.

    David Janes – January 26, 2008 10:05 AM
    The amazing thing with the Harper crew is (1) the type of mistakes they are making are so elementary and unnecessary, and (2) they seem to be unable to do anything that actually pleases anyone. I think the issue with Dijon and friends is not delivery of message so much that they really don’t have much to say either, except perhaps “we’d like to be in power”. Certainly they’re not giving a Chretien-like (dare I say) day-to-day competence of being a government sort of vibe.

    sean liddle – January 26, 2008 10:52 AM
    Mayhap another coup is in order.. Gerard? Justin? John? It is painful to watch so little occur in response to so much. You know it all started going downhill when the LPC Membership cards went from being red to white, back when Martin sucked the lifeboood from the party.

    sean liddle – January 26, 2008 10:53 AM
    Lifeblood. Damn my cold fingers.

    Alan – January 26, 2008 12:48 PM
    The amazing thing with the Harper crew is (1) the type of mistakes they are making are so elementary and unnecessary, and (2) they seem to be unable to do anything that actually pleases anyone…

    Bingo on #1. When they lose eventually, if they don’t turn this around, that will be why. The are such ideologues that they don’t understand people want to be comfortable with simple administrative skills.

    WCG – January 26, 2008 1:09 PM
    “operate runs” … haha.

    Simple administrative skills? Bah! What we need is MORE ALBERTA! LOWER TAXES! TRICKLE-DOWN ECONOMICS! In the end, rich people will have to hire poor people to carry around all their money, which benefits everybody. Good administration is for lilly-livered ineffectual Liberal governments. Visionary leadership requires secrecy, short-tempered hopping-up-and-down while waving your arms, and possibly the ability to buy your way into healthcare linups. Everything else is communist claptrap.

    sean liddle – January 26, 2008 1:51 PM
    I like good administration and quiet days at the office…

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